Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Νοέμβριος 2023

Νοέμβριος 07, 2023

Update - November 7

It's November in Ohio, so we take what we get. There are still some observations arriving. Our November numbers are close to what they've been the last few years. Mostly Autumn Meadowhawks.

If you have photos for the year that you haven't submitted, please do so. I'd like to begin the reporting for the year. Thanks!

Here is a county map of where we've had November observations. White where we've never had November data. Light brown where the records are older (pre-survey), dark brown where we have a record in the survey years (> 2016). The blue indicates 2023 records.

Posted on Νοέμβριος 07, 2023 0132 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Νοέμβριος 30, 2023

Update - Nov Month End

We are at the end of the 2023 Dragonfly season. There may be some additional observations arrive, but the bulk of the data is now in place. Our latest flying adult Ode in the data (so far) is a Nov 27, 2006 Autumn Meadowhawk. Seems hard to believe my season's done - it's just been a week! Already looking forward to 2024.

2023 will be the top year in the Ohio Odonata Society database with over 38,000 observations from more than 1,000 contributors. All 88 Ohio Counties are represented in the data, some more than others. While we did not have March observations, all of our other months (Apr-Nov) were ahead of the 5-year average and five months (Apr, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov) posted new all-time high numbers.

135 species were recorded, short of our 5-year average (138), but 55 species had new all-time annual high observations. It was an especially good year for many Clubtail species. Eight species were documented in all 88 counties (Widow Skimmer, Fragile Forktail, Eastern Pondhawk, Eastern Forktail, Eastern Amberwing, Common Whitetail, Blue Dasher).

The exciting story for the year is our Four-spotted Skimmer irruption in late June, with 247 observations. We had over 100 new County Records (Four-spotted Skimmer accounts for more new County Records than any other species)

There will be 20+ new flight expansions (either new early date or new late date). I'll be reporting on these as the data processing gets completed. We also had some progress on our target counties - both overall numbers and new species.

Thanks everyone that has contributed. If you have any photos not yet posted, please do so.

Posted on Νοέμβριος 30, 2023 0340 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 4σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
