Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Αύγουστος 2023

Αύγουστος 03, 2023

Early August


Eastern Forktail, Blue Dasher, Eastern Pondhawk, and Eastern Amberwing are now County-Complete.

We still need Widow Skimmer and Fragile Forktail for Wyandot County, and Common Whitetail for Putnam County.

There is progress on the next five, maybe not reachable, but we can try - we know these are all there, we just need someone to take a look:

Prince Baskettail Violet Dancer Orange Bluet Blue-fronted Dancer Stream Bluet
Ashland Hocking Allen Allen Ashland
Athens Huron Fayette Carroll Auglaize
Columbiana Knox Hancock Gallia Carroll
Hocking Logan Henry Geauga Guernsey
Holmes Madison Hocking Guernsey Harrison
Marion Mercer Holmes Harrison Hocking
Ottawa Ottawa Mahoning Huron Huron
Richland Ross Mercer Jefferson Jefferson
Vinton Warren Paulding Morrow Marion
Wyandot Williams Putnam Ottawa Mercer
Wyandot Ross Richland Morgan
Sandusky Trumbull Scioto
Van Wert Union Tuscarawas
Williams Wyandot Union

Many of the counties listed have multiple needs, and are towards the low end on observations and observers.

Numbers Update

We are over 25,000 RG observations on the year. Franklin Co has the most observations (> 2,400), Montgomery Co has the most species (71).

Eastern Forktail still with a lead in observations. Eastern Pondhawk and Blue Dasher rising quickly - these two species have been at the top each of the last five years.

Mapping the Needs

We haven't had a new map for awhile. For the big picture, here is a revised map showing where we need observations - green mean Go! The plus sign show the approximate number (in hundreds) to reach a database total of 1,000 observations. This might seem like a lot, but our top 10 counties average 8,610 observations.

Counties with fewer than 80 observations on the year are all northwestern: Wood, Mercer, Paulding, Allen, Auglaize, and Wyandot.

Posted on Αύγουστος 03, 2023 0459 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 1 σχόλιο | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Αύγουστος 10, 2023

Aug 10 - Metrics Update

We've looked at the year by county - and we'll come back to that. But, we now have enough data on the year (2023) to compare to the previous 5 years (2018-2022).

Start with the record count by year:

2018: 19,741
2019: 32,694
2020: 20,621
2021: 26,695
2022: 35,517

This is an average of > 27,000/year. We are momentarily at > 27,000 for 2023. So, good!

When looking at things by percent change, numbers can be crazy - best example this year is the Four-spotted Skimmer with 248 observations in 2023 with a single record in the previous 5 years. So I'm limiting the over/under metrics to only those species that have more than 100 observations over the last 5 years. That would be 89 species common enough to be seen routinely.


First, which species are over - those already considerably above the 5 yr ave (+33%). This is in order of percent over. Bluets are doing well, 6 of the 24. Then Clubtails with 5. Note that these Bluet species are not among our our most common, while the Clubtail species are our most common. Just more looking? Overall Bluet numbers are similar to past years, with the big numbers still to come for Familiar Bluet and Orange Bluet. Clubtail numbers, as a whole, are nearly double the average, so a good year for Clubtails.

Vesper Bluet
Ashy Clubtail
Pronghorn Clubtail
Aurora Damsel
Blue Corporal
Turquoise Bluet
Rainbow Bluet
Lancet Clubtail
Westfall's Slender Bluet
Spot-winged Glider
Common Baskettail
Unicorn Clubtail
Spatterdock Darner
Midland Clubtail
Eastern Least Clubtail
Dot-tailed Whiteface
Spangled Skimmer
Stream Bluet
Cyrano Darner
Elegant Spreadwing
Eastern Red Damsel
Skimming Bluet
Sweetflag Spreadwing
Prince Baskettail


Next, species that are under, with 2023 count less than half 5 yr ave - many of these are autumn species, so there's a likelihood of increase. Note that Great Blue Skimmer and Carolina Saddlebags have big declines (2023) from previous years.

Spotted Spreadwing
Shadow Darner
Great Spreadwing
Arrow Clubtail
Green-striped Darner
Russet-tipped Clubtail
Blue-faced Meadowhawk
Great Blue Skimmer
White-faced Meadowhawk
Plains Clubtail
Band-winged Meadowhawk
Carolina Saddlebags
Fawn Darner
Citrine Forktail
Wandering Glider


Here we go - these are the species documented in the last 5 years with no 2023 data (yet) - in order of survey years count. Again, several of these should turn up. Note the season is likely over for Common Sanddragon, Belted Whiteface, Hagen's Bluet, Riffle Snaketail, Frosted Whiteface, Marsh Bluet, and American Emerald. Our 2023 species count is at 131. The 5 year average is 138, we'll need 7 from this list to meet the average. Other than the first 5, these occur in very limited numbers - either quite rare or only occasionally arrive on the wind.

Smoky Rubyspot
Common Sanddragon
Lance-tipped Darner
Belted Whiteface
Laura's Clubtail
Golden-winged Skimmer
Striped Saddlebags
Hagen's Bluet
Riffle Snaketail
Ocellated Darner
Duckweed Firetail
Rambur's Forktail
Frosted Whiteface
Marsh Bluet
American Emerald
Little Blue Dragonlet
Smoky Shadowdragon
Cherry-faced Meadowhawk
Brush-tipped Emerald
Scarlet Skimmer
Band-winged Dragonlet
Furtive Forktail
Skillet Clubtail
Saffron-winged Meadowhawk


Finally, species with historical records but with no records in previous 5 years - in order of historical count. It's good to look at this every now and then. This is in the order of historical numbers. Some of these were vagrant when observed, some were here and are now gone.

Canada Darner
Mottled Darner
Wabash River Cruiser
Hine's Emerald
Plains Emerald
Allegheny River Cruiser
Riverine Clubtail
Northern Pygmy Clubtail
Umber Shadowdragon
Taiga Bluet
Appalachian Jewelwing
Taper-tailed Darner
Spine-crowned Clubtail
Georgia River Cruiser
Variable Darner
Kennedy's Emerald
Incurvate Emerald
Atlantic Bluet

Posted on Αύγουστος 10, 2023 0134 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 1 σχόλιο | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Αύγουστος 17, 2023

Mid-August Update

Survey numbers continue to climb, maybe a bit slower than June-July. Overall Odonata on the wing seems relatively good compared to days earlier in the season. Hopefully our season will be extended along the lines of our late start (10-14 days).

I'm seeing the start of the migration - Common Green Darners, Black Saddlebags, and Wandering Gliders headed south-westerly in the late afternoon. If you're out on country roads, watch for them 15-20' above the corn and soybeans.

We're now approaching 29,000 research-grade observations - on par with 2022. We've picked up a couple species, so our species count is at 132, behind 2022 and short of the 5-year average. I'm optimistic we'll soon see Smoky Rubyspots. Then maybe a Lance-tipped Darner or Laura's Clubtail. Things tail out after that.

No change on our County-Complete list. We need someone for a day in Wyandot Co to find Fragile Forktail and Widow Skimmer. Then a Common Whitetail in Putnam Co - and those 3 will be sorted for the year. The next 5 are much the same as reported in the Early August journal. Prince Baskettail is at 80 Counties, so that may be do-able if someone makes it a project. Familiar Bluet and Autumn Meadowhawk are coming on strong but have long way to go.

The low-observation County list remains the same as reported earlier. There is some progress, but slow.

Posted on Αύγουστος 17, 2023 1242 ΠΜ by jimlem jimlem | 2σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Αύγουστος 22, 2023

Heading into the Last Week of August

As we pass Labor Day, Ode numbers begin to decline. Species diversity also begins to drop - and fairly quickly. So, get your Ode days while you can!

Numbers - We're heading for 30,000 research grade observations - probably by month-end. This still trails 2022 a bit in both observations and species. 2023 now has 133 species recorded. Over 1,000 people have submitted Odonata observations for Ohio. Reported numbers as of 8/22/2023.

Here are current numbers by County

County Observations Species Days Observers
Adams 140 37 23 18
Allen -39- 25 15 8
Ashland 131 25 21 13
Ashtabula +2132+ 62 82 30
Athens 196 31 21 22
Auglaize 104 25 -4- -1-
Belmont 128 27 7 4
Brown 345 28 11 9
Butler 387 41 66 28
Carroll 302 21 46 7
Champaign 1103 60 62 38
Clark 599 51 45 22
Clermont 433 56 88 37
Clinton 88 27 17 11
Columbiana 102 28 9 7
Coshocton 800 49 63 7
Crawford 288 38 17 20
Cuyahoga 608 54 91 +93+
Darke 105 37 14 4
Defiance 81 30 6 5
Delaware 181 37 50 25
Erie 171 30 36 19
Fairfield 240 36 26 23
Fayette 393 25 5 5
Franklin +2678+ 60 +107+ +97+
Fulton 140 27 12 6
Gallia 204 31 6 3
Geauga 518 57 71 41
Greene 877 62 97 55
Guernsey 101 25 14 8
Hamilton 780 56 99 62
Hancock 238 50 45 11
Hardin 143 29 16 5
Harrison 125 22 11 9
Henry 118 36 8 4
Highland 81 25 9 7
Hocking 133 36 32 31
Holmes 149 21 19 8
Huron 84 21 11 6
Jackson 126 30 18 10
Jefferson 134 30 27 4
Knox 297 27 10 12
Lake 755 66 64 44
Lawrence 265 30 11 7
Licking 443 35 40 19
Logan 320 37 32 9
Lorain 731 52 86 36
Lucas 1390 68 +108+ 62
Madison 162 28 21 7
Mahoning 138 34 44 19
Marion 217 26 -4- 5
Medina 351 43 62 37
Meigs 89 26 10 6
Mercer 87 22 -4- -1-
Miami 155 35 17 12
Monroe 87 25 -4- 2
Montgomery 775 +75+ 99 41
Morgan 103 28 12 7
Morrow 443 36 25 16
Muskingum 230 43 24 14
Noble 112 23 6 4
Ottawa 102 22 42 26
Paulding -54- -18- -2- -1-
Perry 278 49 21 8
Pickaway 392 32 16 12
Pike 103 34 8 9
Portage 342 54 67 40
Preble 183 32 15 12
Putnam 326 23 -3- 4
Richland 153 25 13 16
Ross 107 30 20 20
Sandusky 179 27 19 10
Scioto 216 27 9 11
Seneca 171 25 11 7
Shelby 150 37 13 4
Stark 675 65 75 31
Summit 1067 63 +102+ +98+
Trumbull 148 41 32 14
Tuscarawas 137 25 15 8
Union 388 41 26 8
Van Wert 85 26 11 3
Vinton 427 33 10 8
Warren 176 38 42 31
Washington 138 35 14 5
Wayne 190 38 45 28
Williams 123 36 6 5
Wood -63- 24 23 14
Wyandot 230 25 8 8

Franklin and Ashtabula Co's are clear leaders on number of observations. Montgomery has the most species. Lucas, Franklin, and Summit Co's have observations from over 100 days. Summit, Franklin, and Cuyahoga Co's all have 90+ different observers.

On the low end, Allen, Paulding, and Wood Co's have the fewest number of observations. Paulding has the fewest species. Monroe, Mercer, Marion, Auglaize, Putnam, and Paulding all have fewer than 5 days of attention. Paulding, Mercer, and Auglaize Co's have only a single observer - that is apparently me.

Everything else is somewhere in the middle.

Here are the current numbers by Species

Species Observations Counties Observers Days
Gray Petaltail 37 16 24 27
Common Sanddragon 0 0 0 0
Dragonhunter 50 14 24 21
Rusty Snaketail 122 4 12 19
Riffle Snaketail 0 0 0 0
Eastern Ringtail 35 6 10 11
Spine-crowned Clubtail 0 0 0 0
Green-faced Clubtail 4 1 3 3
Midland Clubtail 123 20 31 23
Plains Clubtail 8 3 6 5
Handsome Clubtail 61 3 10 17
Riverine Clubtail 0 0 0 0
Cobra Clubtail 32 6 14 14
Skillet Clubtail 0 0 0 0
Splendid Clubtail 13 1 4 4
Elusive Clubtail 8 1 3 5
Russet-tipped Clubtail 20 4 10 11
Arrow Clubtail 9 3 6 5
Ashy Clubtail 197 35 41 35
Pronghorn Clubtail 79 10 16 19
Lancet Clubtail 340 44 36 52
Dusky Clubtail 29 4 5 8
Rapids Clubtail 109 11 17 24
Jade Clubtail 20 5 3 4
Lilypad Clubtail 27 5 7 6
Unicorn Clubtail 354 52 74 50
Laura's Clubtail 1 1 1 1
Flag-tailed Spinyleg 107 18 32 36
Black-shouldered Spinyleg 51 19 23 27
Eastern Least Clubtail 46 7 12 17
Northern Pygmy Clubtail 0 0 0 0
Southern Pygmy Clubtail 41 2 9 8
Taper-tailed Darner 0 0 0 0
Harlequin Darner 13 3 7 9
Springtime Darner 62 22 28 27
Fawn Darner 19 12 17 17
Ocellated Darner 1 1 1 1
Comet Darner 68 24 34 34
Common Green Darner 593 66 110 116
Cyrano Darner 51 25 26 30
Swamp Darner 45 17 35 28
Spatterdock Darner 57 13 23 24
Shadow Darner 17 10 12 12
Lance-tipped Darner 0 0 0 0
Variable Darner 0 0 0 0
Mottled Darner 0 0 0 0
Black-tipped Darner 1 1 1 1
Canada Darner 0 0 0 0
Green-striped Darner 3 2 3 2
Delta-spotted Spiketail 44 1 6 6
Brown Spiketail 18 4 8 9
Tiger Spiketail 13 4 6 4
Arrowhead Spiketail 16 6 12 10
Twin-spotted Spiketail 10 6 8 7
Swift River Cruiser 52 16 23 28
Allegheny River Cruiser 0 0 0 0
Royal River Cruiser 45 13 17 20
Wabash River Cruiser 0 0 0 0
Macromia Hybrid 10 2 5 8
Gilded River Cruiser 3 1 1 1
Georgia River Cruiser 0 0 0 0
Stream Cruiser 22 8 10 11
Umber Shadowdragon 0 0 0 0
Stygian Shadowdragon 1 1 1 1
Smoky Shadowdragon 0 0 0 0
Prince Baskettail 457 81 79 80
Common Baskettail 82 29 36 29
Slender Baskettail 1 1 1 1
Beaverpond Baskettail 1 1 1 1
Uhler's Sundragon 3 1 1 1
Mocha Emerald 8 6 6 5
Plains Emerald 0 0 0 0
Clamp-tipped Emerald 4 3 3 3
Hine's Emerald 0 0 0 0
Incurvate Emerald 0 0 0 0
Brush-tipped Emerald 0 0 0 0
Kennedy's Emerald 0 0 0 0
American Emerald 0 0 0 0
Racket-tailed Emerald 2 1 1 1
Elfin Skimmer 48 1 17 17
Eastern Amberwing 1247 +88+ 171 83
Halloween Pennant 437 61 102 64
Calico Pennant 355 44 67 68
Banded Pennant 120 14 24 37
Double-ringed Pennant 5 1 2 2
Scarlet Skimmer 0 0 0 0
Band-winged Dragonlet 0 0 0 0
Little Blue Dragonlet 0 0 0 0
Blue Corporal 102 12 19 23
Yellow-sided Skimmer 3 1 1 1
Chalk-fronted Corporal 1 1 1 1
Widow Skimmer 1338 +88+ 227 88
Golden-winged Skimmer 0 0 0 0
Spangled Skimmer 193 33 42 45
Painted Skimmer 107 24 39 46
Twelve-spotted Skimmer 326 60 92 72
Four-spotted Skimmer 248 31 58 16
Slaty Skimmer 660 58 107 78
Great Blue Skimmer 13 7 9 8
Common Whitetail 1634 87 +289+ 112
Variegated Meadowhawk 30 7 11 17
Blue-faced Meadowhawk 34 9 16 19
White-faced Meadowhawk 5 2 4 3
Cherry-faced Meadowhawk 0 0 0 0
Ruby Meadowhawk 15 8 8 10
Band-winged Meadowhawk 42 14 20 19
Autumn Meadowhawk 190 31 48 47
Saffron-winged Meadowhawk 0 0 0 0
Dot-tailed Whiteface 235 30 43 44
Frosted Whiteface 0 0 0 0
Belted Whiteface 0 0 0 0
Blue Dasher 1568 +88+ 204 93
Eastern Pondhawk +1759+ +88+ 199 101
Swift Setwing 46 6 10 12
Spot-winged Glider 105 22 39 42
Wandering Glider 103 27 44 41
Striped Saddlebags 0 0 0 0
Black Saddlebags 299 70 67 81
Red Saddlebags 25 11 13 14
Carolina Saddlebags 66 22 30 41
Appalachian Jewelwing 0 0 0 0
River Jewelwing 10 1 6 6
Ebony Jewelwing 1168 69 +282+ 96
American Rubyspot 408 46 71 76
Smoky Rubyspot 0 0 0 0
Great Spreadwing 11 8 8 10
Elegant Spreadwing 77 23 26 30
Amber-winged Spreadwing 66 17 23 28
Spotted Spreadwing 12 7 8 6
Lyre-tipped Spreadwing 6 4 5 5
Sweetflag Spreadwing 63 14 20 29
Northern Spreadwing 1 1 1 1
Southern Spreadwing 13 6 10 6
Slender Spreadwing 321 53 68 77
Emerald Spreadwing 67 15 20 22
Swamp Spreadwing 51 17 20 23
Blue-fronted Dancer 732 79 121 76
Seepage Dancer 156 5 27 29
Violet Dancer 1006 78 124 88
Paiute Dancer 34 4 11 13
Powdered Dancer 679 59 87 76
Blue-ringed Dancer 303 38 44 52
Blue-tipped Dancer 654 65 117 78
Dusky Dancer 196 42 39 47
Eastern Red Damsel 200 23 56 49
Duckweed Firetail 0 0 0 0
Sphagnum Sprite 46 9 16 20
Sedge Sprite 42 11 17 20
Aurora Damsel 95 18 27 27
Taiga Bluet 0 0 0 0
Turquoise Bluet 199 27 32 39
Hagen's Bluet 0 0 0 0
Boreal Bluet 3 1 3 3
Northern Bluet 8 2 3 4
Skimming Bluet 594 70 81 86
Orange Bluet 500 75 71 87
Vesper Bluet 203 29 30 43
Marsh Bluet 0 0 0 0
Stream Bluet 799 76 89 80
Rainbow Bluet 62 15 23 17
Tule Bluet 41 7 17 19
River Bluet 8 2 2 3
Atlantic Bluet 0 0 0 0
Familiar Bluet 519 66 91 96
Double-striped Bluet 536 71 82 92
Azure Bluet 294 50 79 76
Westfall's Slender Bluet 491 61 62 62
Furtive Forktail 0 0 0 0
Fragile Forktail 1692 +88+ 162 +123+
Lilypad Forktail 93 9 19 29
Rambur's Forktail 0 0 0 0
Eastern Forktail +1964+ +88+ 171 +122+
Citrine Forktail 51 11 14 24

Eastern Forktail continues to maintain a lead over Eastern Pondhawk. 6 sp (Eastern Forktail, Eastern Pondhawk, Eastern Amberwing, Widow Skimmer, Blue Dasher, Fragile Forktail) have been observed in all 88 counties (the 7th - Common Whitetail - will hopefully turn up). Common Whitetail and Ebony Jewelwing are once again the species reported by the most people - relatively numerous and showy. The Forktails (Eastern and Fragile) have been seen the most days.

Posted on Αύγουστος 22, 2023 0556 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 2σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
