November Update
Now November - October was not the greatest Odo-weather. Days seemed cool and cloudy compared to past years of blue skies and brilliant sunshine.
We still managed good data. Oct 2021 doubled the survey average (455 for 2017-2020) on Oct observations with 946 Research Grade records, and was just under the survey average (41) on distinct species with 40.
November will be even slower, the 10-day forecast is cold. Sunshine and microclimate effect should bring the few remaining Odes out to bask. Based on recent data (2017-2020), these would be the likely November Odes:
Sp | Ave # reported |
Autumn Meadowhawk | 30 |
Great Spreadwing | 6 |
Familiar Bluet | 4 |
Shadow Darner | 2 |
Spotted Spreadwing | 1 |
At this point, Eastern Pondhawk is the clear leader in reported observations (1712) for the 2021 season. Forktails (Eastern and Fragile) are tied with 1359.
Lucas (1892), Ashtabula (1854), and Franklin (1811) are very close in observations for the year. These numbers are behind the peak (Franklin Co in 2019 with 2799). Geauga and Lucas both have 77 species, marking a new high for a county in a year.
Five species were recorded in all 88 counties in 2021: Blue Dasher, Eastern Pondhawk, Widow Skimmer, Easter Forktail, and Fragile Forktail. Only one year (2019) has a better record on this measure.
2021 numbers for the low end were better than 2020! In 2020 we had 20 counties that had fewer than 25 observations. At this point (and I'm still anticipating some 2021 data), we have only 2 counties with fewer than 25 observations. Yay! It's interesting to me that our top counties average 31x the observations and 14x the observers as the bottom counties. Other numbers, like species and date follow these same trends - we just need more people out looking around in the remote areas.
Sounding like a broken record (is that still a saying?) - If you haven't already, please get your data into iNaturalist. Given 2021 submissions on older data and corrections, all the data will be extracted from iNat, hopefully starting December 1.