Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Ιούνιος 2019

Ιούνιος 05, 2019

[OhioDragonfly] A new state record! June is the time for finding lots of Species

Hi everyone!

The Ohio Dragonfly Conference was a success! The weather cooperated on Saturday, so we saw lots of cool dragons. Many Blue Corporals were spotted at Kenton Lake, along with an abundance of Spangled Skimmers and Banded Pennants. My group was lucky to see a few Citrine Forktails, a Great Blue Skimmer, Spangled Skimmers, and Banded Pennants. Unbeknownst to me at the time, what I thought were aberrant Banded Pennants missing wing coloration turned out to be Double-Ringed Pennants, a new state record!

Kim Smith also wrote a blog about her experience at the conference. You can check it out here: https://natureismytherapy.com/2019/06/03/odo-con-2019-finds-a-new-ohio-record/

More Potential State Records?
Let's see how many new state records we can get this year! Last year, we tried to get the Duckweed Firetail in southern Ohio, but there are several others that we might expect to show up somewhere in Ohio.

Sparkling Jewelwing: anticipated in Southern Ohio in sandy streams
Vernal Bluet: anticipated in Northern Ohio, but hard to ID without a specimen - looks like Northern or Boreal Bluets. Get a clear shot of terminal appendages to confirm
Attenuated Bluet: anticipated in Southern Ohio in shrubby/woodland areas, potentially tied to sandy areas
Duckweed Firetail: anticipated in Southern Ohio in shaded ponds/swaps with lots of duckweed

Bar-winged Skimmer: anticipated in Southern Ohio in forested habitats

Hudsonian or Crimson-ringed Whitefaces: anticipated in northern Ohio in bogs or fens?
Stillwater Clubtail: anticipated in SW Ohio - looks similar to Jade Clubtail, which was found last year. Stillwater has blue eyes, whereas Jade has green eyes. Check muddy ponds/lakes
Gray-Green Clubtail: anticipated in southern Ohio in slow moving water. Similar to Jade Clubtail, but more pale in coloration
Harpoon Clubtail: anticipated in SE Ohio - in the Phanogomphus group, so hard to ID without a specimen. Check sandy streams with good currents
Mustached Clubtail: Anticipated somewhere. It has been found in every border sate except Indiana. Males have large black clubs.
Cocoa Clubtail: Anticipated in SW Ohio in moving water. Has a lighter, chocolate colored club.
Sable Clubtail: Anticipated in SE Ohio in small, narrow forested streams with sand or gravel bottoms. A dark clubtail with not much in the way of a club.
Zebra Clubtail: Anticipated in Eastern or SE Ohio. A bold, black clubtail with distinct rings on abdomen. Needs clean rivers and streams with sand or cobble, with fast current and forested
Maine Snaketail: Anticipated in Eastern or SE Ohio. Bright green thorax like the other Snaketails
Pygmy Snaketail: Anticipated in southern Ohio? Weird patchy distribution for this ono.
Interior Least Clubtail: anticipated in southern Ohio, hard to differentiate from Eastern Least Clubtail

The above are a short list of species that have been documented in bordering states, but not yet in Ohio. We could still find others not on the above list, so keep your eyes peeled for something different!

Other updates:
Know a child who wants to do something cool this summer? Consider Dandelion Detectives, a new project trying to understand pollinators on dandelions. See: https://u.osu.edu/dandeliondetectives/
Are you in central Ohio and interested in helping with outreach events? We need another person to help with the Ohio Outdoor Adventure day at Highbanks Metropark on July 13th from 9 am to 4 pm. Please email MaLisa at spring.99@osu.edu

Other upcoming events:
June 5: 7PM Woodland Dragonflies (Dover, Ohio) Join MaLisa Spring at the Dover Public Library for the East Central Ohio Forestry Association monthly meeting. She will cover cool species of forest dragons.
June 6: 7PM Gardening for Dragons (Granville, Ohio) Join MaLisa Spring at Denison University in the Morgan Center Auditorium to learn how you can grow life in your backyard to support dragonflies.
June 8: 9AM Dragon Hunting at Wiregrass Lake (Holland, Ohio) Join Kim Smith and the Toledo Naturalists' Association for a morning walk to look for all kinds of cool dragons!
June 8 and 9: MORPC RiverFest (Columbus, Ohio) Get out on the water with kayaks or canoes and then go over to the Columbus Arts Festival at the nearby Bicentennial Park
June 10-14: Woods and Water Wandering Day Camp for kids (Mount Vernon, Ohio). MaLisa will give a dragonfly walk for kids on June 11th as part of this camp
June 11-13: Dashing Dragons, Daring Damsels Day Camp for kids (Lima, Ohio) At McLean Teddy Bear Park. Another nice day camp, but registration is required by June 7th. Call 419-221-1232
June 12: 7PM Gardening for Dragons (Worthington, Ohio) Join MaLisa Spring at the Serendipity Garden Club meeting held at 324 Weydon Rd in Worthington, Ohio.
June 15: 1PM Dragons and Damsels Walk (Lima, Ohio). Join us for a walk in wetlands and prairie to document some cool dragons in Lippincott Bird Sanctuary [3093 Bellefontaine Rd, Lima, Ohio]
June 15: 1PM Dragonfly Day for kids (and kids at heart) (Lima, Ohio) Join Jim Lemon at Myeerah Nature Preserve for a short presentation followed by fun activities!
June 16: 12:30-5:30PM Olentangy River Canoe Float (Delaware, Ohio) Join the Scenic Rivers crew for a 5 mile canoe float. Register with Heather Doherty at heather.doherty@dnr.state.oh.us
June 19: 12 PM Project Nature Series - Dragonflies (Columbus, Ohio) Join MaLisa Spring for a brief talk on dragonflies followed by a walk to see what we can find in Mirror Lake. Meet at the Browning Amphitheater and bring a brown bag lunch
June 22: 1:30 PM Dragons at the Mound: Photographing Dragons (Granville, Ohio). Join MaLisa Spring at Infirmary Mound Park for a short presentation followed by a walk to search for dragons
June 22: 12-3 PM Northern Olengangy Watershed (NOW) Festival (Delaware, Ohio) Get out and enjoy nature with guided nature walks, a rubber ducky race, and a raffle for a tandem kayak! Meet at Mingo Park.
June 29: 9:30-3 Clear Fork Mohican River Canoe Float (Loudonville, Ohio). Free event to kayak 4 miles on the scenic river. Registration is required. Please email Lisa.Katz-Durham@dnr.state.oh.us
(more events the rest of the summer listed on the webpage: https://u.osu.edu/ohioodonatasurvey/2017/12/21/upcoming-events/ )

Interested in joining us in the field for a smaller dragonfly outing?
We have lots of fun events planned for this summer! Many are scheduled well in advance, but some targeted searches will be scheduled more on the fly depending on the weather.
Harrison/Belmont/Noble/Jefferson Blitz: Sometime in June or July on a few weekdays. If you want to tag along, please email MaLisa at spring.99@osu.edu
Hunt For Jade: Join Jim Lemon as he tries to relocate the Jade Clubtails at Lake Loramie. Please email Jim Lemon at jlem@woh.rr.com to get on the email list for that trip.

I have also listed many of the Stream Quality Monitoring (SQM) Workshops from the ODNR Scenic Rivers programs on our events list. The program is focused on all aquatic "bugs", but you are likely to see some really cool dragons out on the streams with them. See their website for more information: http://watercraft.ohiodnr.gov/sqm
June SQM Workshops:
June 5 - Little Miami SQM Workshop
June 5 - Lt Beaver Wild and Scenic SQM Workshop
June 6 - Mohican River SQM Workshop
June 19 - Stillwater River SQM Workshop
June 20 - Kokosing River SQM

Am I missing other water related events? Do you want one near you? Let me know and I will try to work something out!

Posted on Ιούνιος 05, 2019 0341 ΜΜ by malisaspring malisaspring | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
