Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Ιούλιος 2023

Ιούλιος 02, 2023

July 2 - Four-spotted Skimmer Update

While our observations of Four-spotted Skimmer (Libellula quadrimaculata) have slowed in recent days, we are still getting reports. The observation count is now at 240, by 55 different people. These observations cover 31 counties, 23 of which are new county records. The recent observations are all on the north coast - Lorain, Cuyahoga, and Lake Counties. We did have a north wind, perhaps that brought a few more across the water. People in other areas have not reported Four-spots in the last week .

We have to go back to 1950's to have years where a species had more than 20 new county records - the peak was Double-striped Bluet with 25 in 1959. Two other species had 24, Eastern Amberwing (1958) and Familiar Bluet (1959).

The recent Ohio Odonata Society newsletter provided coverage of the species and the event. If you don't receive the newsletter and are interested, message me with your email address and I will forward the July issue (PDF).

The Four-spotted Skimmer story may not yet be concluded. Continue to monitor.

One more thing - we are seeing an uptick in Red Saddlebags (Tramea onusta) observations. The Reds are infrequent visitors from the South and West. Many of us have seen Carolina Saddlebags (Tramea carolina) - the Red is similar. As always, try to get good photos of face, hind wings, and end of the abdomen.

Posted on Ιούλιος 02, 2023 0309 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 2σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 10, 2023

July 10 - Update

Four-spotted Skimmer - I am still getting messages (as of 7/9) that people are seeing what they think is Four-spotted Skimmers. The most recent confirmed observation in iNat is 7/7. Continue to monitor for this species when you're out!

Species Count - We have now recorded 120 species for 2023. Good, but slightly behind past seasons. Some Odes are more common in late summer, but we have seen most of what there is. Forktail species are still in the lead for observations, but Blue Dasher and Eastern Pondhawk are dominating the July reports. We averaged nearly 350 observations/day for June. July is following form. 11 days in 2023 have had over 500 RG observations. This all makes for lots of IDs and data, good stuff.

These are the top 18 most-likely species that we have not yet recorded for 2023, in descending order of their past frequency.

Shadow Darner
Great Spreadwing
Spotted Spreadwing
Lance-tipped Darner
Smoky Rubyspot
White-faced Meadowhawk
Green-striped Darner
Russet-tipped Clubtail
Common Sanddragon
Black-tipped Darner
Eastern Ringtail
Gilded River Cruiser
Macromia Hybrid
Laura's Clubtail
Ocellated Darner
Golden-winged Skimmer
Elusive Clubtail
Striped Saddlebags

We should be able to pick things towards the top of the list, after that we need some good weather patterns and luck. My guess is we will be below our 5yr ave (138). There are other species as well, but rare.

County Count - Franklin is the clear leader in observations, then Ashtabula, then a long way to Lucas, Champaign, Summit, and Montgomery.

Targets - We are making some progress on our target counties, more on that in a few days. It's also time to start the countdown on our County-Complete species, more on that also to come. Biggest gaps are currently Knox, Fayette, Putnam, Paulding - all with fewer than 10 species on the year.

Posted on Ιούλιος 10, 2023 0122 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 13, 2023

July 13 - Update on County-Complete Species

Our survey tracks species by county. Ohio has 88 counties. When we record a species in all counties in a year, I call this "County-Complete." Our first County-Complete was Blue Dasher in 2018. We had 7 sp in all counties in 2019, then again in 2022.

Here's our progress for the top recorded species for 2023. The counties listed are those needed. These shouldn't be too hard to find, we just need people to take a look.

Eastern Forktail Fragile Forktail Eastern Pondhawk Common Whitetail Blue Dasher
Fairfield Adams Auglaize Auglaize Adams
Holmes Defiance Fayette Knox Clinton
Knox Highland Knox Monroe Fulton
Scioto Knox Marion Noble Highland
Wood Monroe Mercer Ottawa Knox
Wyandot Paulding Paulding Marion
Putnam Putnam Mercer
Seneca Monroe
Wood Pickaway
Van Wert

Note the greatest need in Knox, Monroe, Paulding, Putnam, Scioto, Highland, Noble. Any attention to these counties would be appreciated.

Posted on Ιούλιος 13, 2023 1158 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 3σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 16, 2023

July 16 - Observation Numbers

We made progress on County-Complete species from the July 13 journal. Maybe there was a user response, or maybe just coincidence? Either way is good. Here's an update - this is all seven species that we've previously had as County-Complete. I would say they're all possible again this year.

Eastern Forktail Fragile Forktail Eastern Pondhawk Common Whitetail Blue Dasher Widow Skimmer Eastern Amberwing
Scioto Adams Fayette Monroe Adams Guernsey Fayette
Defiance Marion Paulding Marion Hocking Henry
Highland Mercer Putnam Mercer Marion Hocking
Monroe Paulding Monroe Mercer Monroe
Wyandot Seneca Van Wert Paulding Paulding
Scioto Scioto
Seneca Williams

Along the same lines, here are the counties with the lowest number of observations so far in 2023. All with less than 40 - which impacts their overall survey status. Also a number of repeats from the above listing.

County Observations Species Observers
Allen 36 22 6
Auglaize 23 15 1
Wyandot 23 14 3

Any days out in these county would be a big help.

Posted on Ιούλιος 16, 2023 0426 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 5σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 24, 2023

Update - July 24

Eastern Forktail is the first species that is County-Complete for 2023. Here are the numbers after this weekend.

Fragile Forktail Eastern Pondhawk Common Whitetail Blue Dasher Widow Skimmer Eastern Amberwing Prince Baskettail
Wyandot Fayette Putnam Seneca Fayette Ashland
Seneca Wyandot Athens

Counties listed are those that are still needed for the species.

Now that Eastern Forktail is complete there is an added column for Prince Baskettail, which is the next highest - as we complete other species we'll add in others - maybe Violet Dancer, Stream Bluet, or Autumn Meadowhawk.

I had a question about what's the point? Our survey project is dependent on voluntary submissions of Odonata photos. We don't have a schedule or master plan beyond accepting photos and verifying IDs where we can. We have a number of areas of the state where observations are low. So if we have current year records of our most common species, we can assume a minimum level of reporting - if we're not able to report the minimum, then we're potentially missing less common species. My reporting will hopefully encourage folks to take a look.

Posted on Ιούλιος 24, 2023 0740 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 30, 2023

End of July

Blue Dasher has now been reported for all 88 Ohio Counties in 2023, joining Eastern Forktail as County-Complete. Five other species are very close, seems pretty do-able - these are the needed observations:

Fragile Forktail Common Whitetail Eastern Amberwing Eastern Pondhawk Widow Skimmer
Wyandot Putnam Fayette Fayette Wyandot

The next five candidates might be:

Prince Baskettail Violet Dancer Orange Bluet Blue-fronted Dancer Stream Bluet
Ashland Fayette Allen Allen Ashland
Athens Hardin Carroll Carroll Auglaize
Columbiana Hocking Fayette Gallia Carroll
Fayette Huron Hancock Geauga Guernsey
Hocking Knox Henry Guernsey Harrison
Holmes Logan Hocking Hardin Hocking
Marion Madison Holmes Harrison Huron
Ottawa Mercer Mahoning Huron Jefferson
Richland Ottawa Mercer Jackson Marion
Sandusky Ross Paulding Jefferson Mercer
Vinton Warren Putnam Morrow Morgan
Wyandot Williams Ross Ottawa Scioto
Wyandot Sandusky Richland Tuscarawas
Van Wert Trumbull Union
Williams Union Vinton
Wyandot Wood

These five have all been recorded in every county, just not in the same year. Familiar Bluet and Autumn Meadowhawk numbers are rising quickly, and that should continue in Aug and Sep.

We are over 24,000 RG observations on the year, at this point just a little behind 2022 in observations. We now have 14 days with 500+ observations.

Franklin Co is leader by a lot, will be hard for Ashtabula or Lucas to catch.

Eastern Forktail continues as the most reported species, with a lead over Eastern Pondhawk. That lead is likely to dissipate. Blue Dasher will be the clear leader for July.

Posted on Ιούλιος 30, 2023 1256 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 1 σχόλιο | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
