Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Ιούλιος 2022

Ιούλιος 01, 2022

July 1 Update

Many contributors means many contributions. All good, but challenging to keep up with the IDs!

We had a good conference and meeting last weekend for the Ohio Odonata Society. Still processing observations from the three days of conference, and pre-conf, and post-conf. It was great to see people in person. More to come on all that.

June data and report will also be updated real soon now, but I can say at this point, many interesting observations and new sites and county records. And there will be a newsletter next week.

Ticks have been bad, and now chiggers - be careful out there!

Posted on Ιούλιος 01, 2022 0220 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 05, 2022

July 4 Update

So far for 2022: 15,000+ research grade observations; 122 species; all 88 counties; nearly 600 contributors. Jun 2022 was our biggest month ever in terms of submissions, at this point 9,990 RG observations. This could go over 10K as people finish up their data entry. Lots of interesting observations with new sites for "special" species and 70+ new county records. We also went over the 500-mark for members of the Dragonfly Survey project on iNat. Busy, busy.

Eastern Forktail has the most observations for the moment, Blue Dasher is rising quickly. Blue Dasher also has the most counties with 86, only Carroll and Wyandot have not yet reported a Blue Dasher. Fragile Forktail is next with 84 counties.

Franklin Co has the most observations - over 1,200. 5 counties have fewer than 20 reported observations: Gallia, Allen, Paulding, Van Wert, and Carroll.

Following an earlier trend, we continue to see many Painted Skimmers, now with 7 new County Records. Great Blue Skimmer is also being reported in many areas - also with 7 new County Records.

Posted on Ιούλιος 05, 2022 0219 ΠΜ by jimlem jimlem | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 07, 2022

7/7 - 2022 County-Complete

Completing Species/County datasets

The Ohio Odonata Society maintains data for Ohio species by county and date. In 2018, we recorded Blue Dasher observations in every Ohio county, this was a first. Blue Dasher was our only 'county-complete' species in 2018. It was a fun thing. We promoted the idea in 2019, and had 7 species: Blue Dasher again, Common Whitetail, Eastern Amberwing, Eastern Forktail, Eastern Pondhawk, Fragile Forktail, and Widow Skimmer. It should not be a surprise that these are some of our most common species. With CoVid and everything in 2020, we did not have anything county-complete. 2021 had a recovery with 5 species recorded in all 88 counties.

And now we're starting the countdown for 2022. Species, followed by current county number, then needed counties. I'll add to the list as other species get closer (Widow Skimmer would be next, but only at 68 now, then another drop to Dancers).

Blue Dasher (86); Carroll, Wyandot
Fragile Forktail (84); Adams, Fulton, Morgan, Putnam
Common Whitetail (80); Allen, Fulton, Gallia, Morgan, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, Vinton
Eastern Forktail (78); Adams, Athens, Carroll, Columbiana, Gallia, Hocking, Lawrence, Scioto, Wayne, Wyandot
Eastern Pondhawk (78); Allen, Carroll, Fulton, Gallia, Holmes, Knox, Paulding, Seneca, Union, Wyandot

Happy Ode'ing

Posted on Ιούλιος 07, 2022 0337 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 13, 2022

July 13 - Update on Goals

In March we looked at the original survey goals (success!) and new goals for 2022. We're now at a mid-point in this year's season, so how are we doing?

Here are revised maps for our goal of every county having 1) a minimum of 600 observations, and 2) a minimum of 60 species. As expected, it's easier to log observations than it is to get new species. But we have 23 new county records in 12 of our target counties.

Here is the observation map. Counties in lighter gray (13) are where we have met the target. Blue counties (10) still need work. 4 could be finished with one good day (Brown, Hardin, Monroe, Putnam). The others will take a bigger effort (Belmont, Fulton, Henry, Meigs, Noble, Seneca). But I think all of these are "in the zone". Note - I’m updating the maps as we go along - Brown, Hardin, Henry, Putnam Co's now exceeding the goal.

Here is the species map. We cleared Harrison and Preble counties (but they had the lowest requirements). Closest to the new goal would be Fayette (2), Huron (2), Lawrence (2), Monroe (2). The others will probably still be goals for 2023.

Posted on Ιούλιος 13, 2022 1252 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 24, 2022

7/24 - 2022 County-Complete

Completing Species/County datasets

Countdown for County-Complete for 2022. Species, followed by current county number, then needed counties.

Blue Dasher (87); Wyandot
Fragile Forktail (87); Adams
Common Whitetail (83); Gallia, Morgan, Paulding, Putnam, Vinton
Eastern Pondhawk (83); Gallia, Knox, Paulding, Seneca, Wyandot
Eastern Forktail (82); Adams, Athens, Columbiana, Gallia, Lawrence, Scioto
Widow Skimmer (82); Defiance, Highland, Paulding, Union, Van Wert, Vinton
Eastern Amberwing (74); Adams, Athens, Columbiana, Defiance, Gallia, Greene, Knox, Paulding, Pike, Scioto, Trumbull, Van Wert, Wood, Wyandot

Posted on Ιούλιος 24, 2022 0815 ΜΜ by jimlem jimlem | 3σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
