[OhioDragonfly] The Dragons are coming!
Spring is fast approaching. That means it is time to prepare for our First of the Year dragons. Our earliest adult records last year were Sheree Cyra-Moorman and Joe Bens on April 5th with a Blue Corporal and Common Green Darner respectively. What will yours be?
A few things to note:
New Maps updated with 2018 data are live!
Species Flight Dates updated!
Finding Blue Corporals - new blog post
Keynote Speaker for the Ohio Dragonfly Conference confirmed!
Michael Moore is a research biologist who investigates how animal life cycles and mating interactions adapt to different environments. Michael has studied a diverse suite of animals in regions all across the United States—including dragonflies, amphibians, fish, and ladybugs. Michael received a B.S. from Gonzaga University, a M.S. from Murray State University, and a Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University. Beginning later this summer, he will be starting as a post-doctoral research fellow at the Living Earth Collaborative—a new center for biodiversity research at Washington University, the St. Louis Zoo, and the Missouri Botanical Gardens. He will talk about his recent research on Blue Dashers and using iNaturalist to unravel national differences in the population.
Have you registered for the conference yet? Make sure to sign up soon so you don't accidentally double book your weekend! It will be on May 31st-June 2nd this year, which is earlier than previous years to get more early season dragons. We have lots of fun talks line up including Gardening for Dragons, Photography, and several identification presentations! Plus, we hope to get out in the field and find the rare Blue Corporal and Uhler's Sunddragon. Please share with your friends who might be interested!
Other upcoming events:
March 17-20th: North Central Branch Entomological Society of America Meeting (Cincinnati) MaLisa will give a short talk on the dragonfly survey, but this is also a great time to learn about current research in all things insects. Conference registration on the higher end at $250-$290 for non-members
March 21: 7:30 PM: Ohio Citizens and Dragons: Documenting threatened species (Ashland)
March 23: Museum Open House (Columbus) Tour the research collections and learn how we use biological specimens for science. Also many activities for kids like face painting and live bug exhibits. FREE ATTENDANCE!
March 23, 2019: Butterfly Identification and Monitoring Workshop (Youngstown, Ohio) Free attendance for students. Registration is due by March 16th and registration is limited to 120 participants. More information and how to register are in this pdf: Ohio Lepidopterist Workshop 3.23.19
March 30th: Ohio Outdoor and Wildlife Expo (Huron, Ohio) Free to the Public! We will have a booth.
April 4-6th: Vernal Poolooza (Ashland).
April 26, 2019: Documenting Dragons in Ohio: the Search Continues (Willoughby, Ohio). Join MaLisa Spring for a talk at the Burrough’s Nature Club of Willoughby, Ohio
May 31st-June 2nd: The Ohio Dragonfly Conference (Rio Grande, Ohio)
(more events the rest of the summer listed on the webpage )