September Update
September can have some great days to be out! Clear skies and moderate temps make it good for me. Ode numbers diminishing, but some cool things still in flight. Look for Mosaic Darners, and for migrating swarms of Common Green Darner and Black Saddlebags.
Elusive Clubtails have been sighted, bringing the species list to 134 on the year. Still hoping for Ocellated Darner, Striped Saddlebags, Variegated Meadowhawk.
Also looking for a couple things to add to the County Complete list: Eastern Forktail in Scioto Co and Eastern Amberwing in Pike Co.
August has over 5,000 new research grade observations. This number will increase a bit as people get things submitted. We're over 8,500 RG for July, and over 11,000 for June.
Stark and Franklin Co's have the most observations so far with over 2,000 observations. Lucas Co is close as well. Counties on the low end are Ross and Van Wert Co's, both with fewer than 50 submissions.
Montgomery has 75 species so far. Guernsey, Van Wert, and Knox are all below 20 species.
Good efforts, thanks everyone.