Three monotypic genera, Hooded Plover Thinornis cucullatus, Shore Plover Thinornis novaeseelandiae, and Black-fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops have been shown to be embedded in the Charadrius sensu stricto lineage (Černý and Natale 2022), and thus are now known as Charadrius cucullatus, Charadrius novaeseelandiae, and Charadrius melanops, respectively.
Προστέθηκε από donalddavesne στις Οκτώβριος 29, 2023 0337 ΜΜ
Δημιουργήθηκε από donalddavesne στις Οκτώβριος 29, 2023
Unintended disagreements occur when a parent (B) is
thinned by swapping a child (E) to another part of the
taxonomic tree, resulting in existing IDs of the parent being interpreted
as disagreements with existing IDs of the swapped child.
ID 2 of taxon E will be an unintended disagreement with ID 1 of taxon B after the taxon swap
If thinning a parent results in more than 10 unintended disagreements, you
should split the parent after swapping the child to replace existing IDs
of the parent (B) with IDs that don't disagree.