Taxonomy | Nolidae | Eligminae | genus Eligma
specifically Eligma narcissus and the position of it's subspecies . . .
Holloway 2012, MoB part 2, note 506: (
Note 506. K. Ueda (pers. comm.) has determined that E. narcissus as presented in Part 18 is in
fact a complex of species, with the subspecies listed in Part 18 (with the exception of indica
Rothschild), having the status of full species. Whilst philippinensis Rothschild and
celebensis Tams are endemic to the Philippines and Sulawesi respectively, javanica Rothschild
extends from Sundaland (including Palawan) to N. Vietnam and N. Thailand, where it may
overlap with narcissus. The male genitalia of all these promoted taxa are smaller, with broader
valves, apically blunt. Those illustrated in Part 18 (fig. 581) are of celebensis; javanica
has the valves longer, lacking the inner lobe, and having a more spatulate apex.
The upshot for iNat observations is that:
(1) what was regarded as E. narcissus in the Philippines is now E. philippinensis Rothschild
(2) what was regarded as E. narcissus in Sulawesi is now E. celebensis Tams.
(3) (and more problematic) - what was regarded as E. narcissus in Sundaland (including Palawan) to N. Vietnam and N. Thailand is now E. javanica EXCEPT for possible overlap with E. narcissus in Thailand and Vietnam, where observations should be confirmed by retaining voucher material for morphological analysis 😒- i.e. photo observations can oly be confidently placed to genus in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.
Eligma narcissus (photo taken in Hong Kong)
Eligma philippinensis (photo taken in Luzon, Philippines)