Welcome to the new project "Moths of Asia"
This is an "umbrella" project pulling together data from traditional and "collection" iNaturalist projects that record and document moths in various geographic entities in Asia.
It will, eventually, pool data for all Asia, once all the relevant projects have been started on iNat - though this will take time and effort from each nation / area to assist with the operation of the relevant project in said areas.
For now, there are some 64 thousand observations of over 3,500 species by almost 1,800 observers. None too bad for a group of insects with a bad p.r. image!
If the country you live in has not been covered by a relevant iNaturalist project, I am really happy to hear from you and will help you get started running a moth recording project on iNat that covers somewhere in Asia that isn't on this project's radar yet - that currently means Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and all central, northern and western Asia. Whilst the tropical areas harbour a massive number of species (and people!), the more montane and arid areas have their own unique species. The representation of the unique Asian moth biodiversity is what this project is really about.......