Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Φεβρουάριος 2019

Φεβρουάριος 22, 2019

Get ready for CNC 2019 by identifying observations from 2018!

Want to meet local iNaturalist enthusiasts and learn more about identifications on iNaturalist? Come help us identify last year's observations from the City Nature Challenge! We'll meet in the cafeteria at National Geographic. Pizza provided! Bring a laptop and any field guides you want to reference.

Thursday, February 28
5:30-8 PM
Register here: https://goo.gl/forms/DSLdlSPajYyvwryO2

National Geographic
1610 M St NW
Washington DC 20036

Enter via the courtyard from M Street. From the courtyard, enter the building on the left, then inside turn left to the cafeteria.

5:30-6 Arrival & check in
6-6:15 Welcome & tips for identifying on iNaturalist
6:15-7:30 Identifying observations!
7:30-7:45 Check in on progress, sharing of learning
7:45-8 More identifications, goodbyes

Please contact carrie@inaturalist.org if you have any questions about the event.

Don't forget to join the 2019 City Nature Challenge project for our area to get the great updates posted by @dbarber.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 22, 2019 0413 ΠΜ by carrieseltzer carrieseltzer | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

ID party at Nat Geo on Feb 28

Want to meet local iNaturalist enthusiasts and learn more about identifications on iNaturalist? Come help us identify last year's observations from the City Nature Challenge! We'll meet in the cafeteria at National Geographic. Pizza provided! Bring a laptop and any field guides you want to reference.

Thursday, February 28
5:30-8 PM
Register here: https://goo.gl/forms/DSLdlSPajYyvwryO2

National Geographic
1610 M St NW
Washington DC 20036

Enter via the courtyard from M Street. From the courtyard, enter the building on the left, then inside turn left to the cafeteria.

5:30-6 Arrival & check in
6-6:15 Welcome & tips for identifying on iNaturalist
6:15-7:30 Identifying observations!
7:30-7:45 Check in on progress, sharing of learning
7:45-8 More identifications, goodbyes

Please contact carrie@inaturalist.org if you have any questions about the event.

If you're local, don't forget to join the 2019 City Nature Challenge project for our area to get the great updates posted by @dbarber.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 22, 2019 0427 ΠΜ by carrieseltzer carrieseltzer | 7σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο