Το Ημερολόγιο του Flies of the US and Canada

Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Οκτώβριος 2022

Οκτώβριος 05, 2022

October 9th - Condylostylus longicornis (yes, again)

We're happy to announce another online meeting! Here are the details:

This next meeting is a review of a species we have looked at several times now, and it needs our help! There is still over 1,000 Needs ID observations of Condylostylus longicornis in the US. This week we will review the identification of C. longicornis and then try our best to reduce this pile of Needs ID observations.

Just as a reminder: our meetings are entirely informal, and everyone is invited to speak their minds and ask questions to the group. Participation is key to learning!

Please leave a comment either to let us know if you're planning to come or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

The Zoom meeting will open at 4 PM EDT on Sunday the 9th.

Join the Zoom Meeting here: Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 874 5687 3015

Passcode: diptera

Identify Link for this meeting: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?order_by=random&place_id=1&taxon_id=197039

Click here to sign up to join our emailing list!

Posted on Οκτώβριος 05, 2022 0704 ΜΜ by zdanko zdanko | 9σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Οκτώβριος 12, 2022

October 16th - Review of Condylostylus longicornis and working on the Eastern Guide

We're happy to announce another online meeting! Here are the details:

This week is a continuation of our series with Condylostylus longicornis, and this week I think we can push through the last hundreds of observations. While we're working on that (after reviewing the identification features), I'll be working on finishing up the guide to Eastern Condylostylus!

Just as a reminder: our meetings are entirely informal, and everyone is invited to speak their minds and ask questions to the group. Participation is key to learning!

Please leave a comment either to let us know if you're planning to come or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

The Zoom meeting will open at 8 PM EDT on Sunday the 16th.

Join the Zoom Meeting here: Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 874 5687 3015

Passcode: diptera

Identify Link for this meeting: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?order_by=random&place_id=1,6712&taxon_id=197039

Click here to sign up to join our emailing list!

Posted on Οκτώβριος 12, 2022 1101 ΜΜ by zdanko zdanko | 4σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Οκτώβριος 18, 2022

October 23rd - Condylostylus; you're not tired of them yet, right? ;)

We're happy to announce another online meeting! Here are the details:

Guess what! ... You guessed it; we are still doing Condylostylus! And we're having fun with it, so why not keep it up. We still have over 500 observations of C. longicornis to go through, and I just determined a new character we can use to distinguish the C. patibulatus group and the C. sipho group; come this Sunday to find out what it is and help me test it!

Just as a reminder: our meetings are entirely informal, and everyone is invited to speak their minds and ask questions to the group. Participation is key to learning!

Please leave a comment either to let us know if you're planning to come or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

The Zoom meeting will open at 8 PM EDT on Sunday the 23rd.

Join the Zoom Meeting here: Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 874 5687 3015

Passcode: diptera

Identify Link for this meeting: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?order_by=random&place_id=1,6712&taxon_id=197039

Click here to sign up to join our emailing list!

Posted on Οκτώβριος 18, 2022 1017 ΜΜ by zdanko zdanko | 7σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Οκτώβριος 27, 2022

October 30th - Psychodidae

We're happy to announce another online meeting! Here are the details:

This week we'll be taking a short break from the Condylostylus and looking at the subfamilies and common species of the family Psychodidae in the US and Canada. @edanko will be joining us, and we have him to thank for finishing up a new guide for these species!

Just as a reminder: our meetings are entirely informal, and everyone is invited to speak their minds and ask questions to the group. Participation is key to learning!

Please leave a comment either to let us know if you're planning to come or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

The Zoom meeting will open at 8 PM EDT on Sunday the 30th.

Join the Zoom Meeting here: Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 874 5687 3015

Passcode: diptera

Our resource for this meeting: Guide to subfamilies and common species of Psychodidae of the US & Canada

Identify Link for this meeting: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?order_by=random&taxon_id=258813

Click here to sign up to join our emailing list!

Posted on Οκτώβριος 27, 2022 0753 ΜΜ by zdanko zdanko | 6σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο