August 28th 2020 Corbin Canyon

It was finally slightly cooler with a bit less humidity today, so I ventured over to Corbin Canyon. As usual, it was teeming with rabbits. In addition to my posted observations, I saw a deer down in the creek bed about a mile up the trail as well as many birds though I didn’t notice any migrants. Highlights of the day were the lynx spiders I saw including one guarding an egg sac and the numerous non honey bee pollinators. Though not a whole lot is in bloom this time of year, there were enough plants including asters, buckwheat and birds beaks to attract some insects. I also saw another lordotus fly identical to the one seen in Tuna Canyon the other day. Interesting how you see something for the first time ever and then a few days later you see the same thing.

Posted on Αύγουστος 29, 2020 0422 ΠΜ by naturephotosuze naturephotosuze


Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι




Αύγουστος 28, 2020 10:21 ΠΜ PDT


Corbin Canyon
Guarding her egg sac

Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι




Αύγουστος 28, 2020 11:39 ΠΜ PDT


Corbin Canyon


"Interesting how you see something for the first time ever and then a few days later you see the same thing." So true, and something I experience and think about ever since I started posting observations on iNat. Sometimes the eye-opening trigger is just seeing someone's observation of a species. But experiencing an individual in its habitat, how it moves, feeds, stalks, where it nests, really prepares you for the next encounter. I always wonder how much I don't yet see...

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