August 26th 2020 Tuna Canyon Park

The weather forecast said it was to be a bit cooler today and near the ocean it was supposed to be overcast until about 10 AM. I’ve been wanting to return to Tuna Canyon Park so I set out for there, arriving at 9:15 AM. It was 78 but not a cloud in the sky. It was also very humid and by the time I left at 11:30, it was 88...still way too hot for me. Due to the heat I really didn’t explore as much of the park as I wanted. I also ran into some guys with clipboards who said they were doing scouting to build more trails. I thought that was a bit odd as it seems like there are plenty of trails in the area. I walked by them later and they were talking about the gondola plan for the Hollywood Sign. I heard one of them say that he works for a company that won the bid...I just hope it doesn’t come to pass..,we have enough human incursion in our local mountains without a gondola!

Back to Tuna canyon...great variety of habitats and seems to be very good for wildflowers and insects though there were still quite a few people there. Today’s most interesting find was a sort of bee fly that I don’t recall seeing before. Check out the photo below. And no it wasn’t dead. It flew down to the ground in front of me and when I moved to get some other angles of photos, it took off.

Posted on Αύγουστος 26, 2020 1019 ΜΜ by naturephotosuze naturephotosuze


Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι




Αύγουστος 26, 2020 09:33 ΠΜ PDT


Tuna Canyon Park
This may be lordotus gibbus but not completely confident. Bugguide:


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