Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Φεβρουάριος 2021

Φεβρουάριος 01, 2021

Day 4 A state and a County Bird in Massachusetts

Went birding with Pat to Massachusetts. We first chased the a yellow throated warbler in Lancaster, Worcester County. it took us much longer to find the feeders than to find the bird. The stakeout mark was in a middle of a pond, and the bird, was actually up the hill in the next town, about .2 miles away. We finally used inaturalist mark to find the bird. Ebird was exhausting. The bird made an appearance almost immediately on the front feeders, and then 20 minutes (the interval described in ebird) on the back feeders. Standard feeder birds also present. The warbler was coming to pine cones with peanut butter.

Salisbury Beach Reservation was wonderful. We were going for red crossbills, didn't get, and ww crossbills, didn't get, but had a spectacular photo op with red cross bills in some roadside pines, and a long eared owl that was obscured by pine needles, and protected by traffic cones so no one got too close. It was an excellent solution to allow people to see the bird, and yet not push it. We only saw one with a scope, though 2 had been reported. We also saw a tree full of snow buntings in the camp ground. Lots of people out enjoying the park. The sky portended a storm coming.

Distance walked .4

So state bird was Yellow throated warbler also county Worcester
County bird long eared owl.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 01, 2021 0220 ΠΜ by mainebirder mainebirder | 3 παρατηρήσεις | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Day 5 Return to Capisic Park. Black Headed Grosbeak

.9 miles 19 degrees with a breeze. 1 inch snow cover. Pond completely frozen. Large snow storm in the offing. No robins today, but the redwing is still hanging in the multiflora. Did not emerge for better photos. I concentrated on the black headed grosbeak which I saw (county bird) at the feeder closest to Lucas street for 5 to 10 seconds. Not long enough for photo. It reappeared for an even shorter amount of time about 25 minutes later. Seemed to associate with the many cardinals in the area. A sharp shinned hawk made its appearance, and we finally knew what all the jay alarm calls were about. Kathy and Pat continued on and were successful with 2 dickcissals. at the feeder at Machigonne Street. Also saw Derek, but not many people here today.

The redwing has been feeding on multiflora rose and using the same for cover. A carolina wren sang after first giving its comb call.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 01, 2021 1159 ΜΜ by mainebirder mainebirder | 1 παρατήρηση | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Φεβρουάριος 02, 2021

Day 6 Storm Orlena Feeder Observations

Exercise was limited to shoveling with 8 inches of snow, winds in the 20s from the north, and temps in the high 20s. They are predicting possible rain this afternoon, which will complicate things. Lots of activity at the feeders today with titmice and nuthatches predominating. One male cardinal ventured quite close to the house. i was able to get the photos while standing in the greenhouse. Peanuts seemed to be popular today.
ebird checklist S80307323.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 02, 2021 0343 ΜΜ by mainebirder mainebirder | 4 παρατηρήσεις | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Φεβρουάριος 03, 2021

Day 7 The Calm After the Storm

Bright and Sunny today. 37 degrees, 9 mph winds out of the northwest. Snow cover 5 inches. Quite comfortable in the woods. The titmice are still attacking the window feeder. There were 7 of them with a single chickadee. Walked the length of Autumn Way. A single feeding flock of 3 BC Chickadees and a WBNU. Vocalizing. In white pines. Ebird list S80361315. 15 minutes. ,55 miles.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 03, 2021 0446 ΜΜ by mainebirder mainebirder | 2 παρατηρήσεις | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Φεβρουάριος 05, 2021

Day 8 Two State and Two County Birds Middlesex and Essex County Massachusetts

Temperature mid 30's wind,10mph, snow cover 8 inches. Less on the coast. About .75 miles

Pat and i headed out to Sudbury to try to see the varied thrush. After gaining permission from the home owner, and post holing through the bank of snow from Tuesday's storm we stood at the side yard tree line and staked out the feeders. The home owner reported the bird usually fed on the ground and spent a lot of time in the White Pines waiting to feed. It only took 35 minutes for the bird to appear, on the ground, under the seed/nut/fruit log. The bird was skittish as reported, making a two to three second appearance without an opportunity for us to take photos. (State bird) I also observed RB Nuthatch another county bird. We observed a 10 minute interval in the middle of our vigil when the jays sounded an alarm, all the birds disappeared, except one downy woodpecker who remained frozen on the peanut butter feeder. The jays then again sounded the all clear and the birds returned. The thrush making its appearance about 10 minutes later. Nice Carolina Wren as well S80407431

We then headed for marble head orivate beach and a chance at the eared grebe. We spent quite a bit of time looking first well off shore near small islands where we could barely discern a grebe but could not ID due to distance. Then almost as we drove off, we caught sight of two grebes quite close in the cove, feeding in the surf. it took us quite a bit of time to convince ourselves that the eared grebe was not one of them.
We did photograph which further convinced us. Back to the car. At this season, parking is not a problem, and we again read the ebird reports which told us to look right. So much energy to the left, and looking right the eared grebe (county bird) was immediately visible with good scope views and lousy photos. The forward peak on the head, and more extensive dark on the face were both diagnostic, He was feeding by himself. Observed quite a few surf scoters which were the predominant duck. S80414877

Lunch at the charming small park at the tip of Marble Head neck, S80415954. Chandler Hovey Park, where a white wing scoter hung by the rocks by itself. Probable distress. Also some common eiders in interesting plumage.

We then had time to head up to Salisbury beach for another try at redpolls. We had been suspicious that we had seen them when we were there two days ago, but they were never clearly visible. This time we had better luck. A flock of about 25 (state bird) flew among the road side bushes on the approach road. Landing less than 10 feet from the car at times. Very restless, but would return even if I was standing in the road. Fairly good photos for us both. What a lovely bird. There were a few in the flock that were quite pale, but did not sit still for photos or study to call hoary. We did not stop to view the owl again although there were a few people with cameras at the site. S80423400

All in all, just an excellent day.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 05, 2021 1231 ΜΜ by mainebirder mainebirder | 14 παρατηρήσεις | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Φεβρουάριος 06, 2021

Day 9 Back Cove in the Mist

35 degrees, no wind, mid tide and rising. Light snow/rain mix. .67 miles Ebird S80468759

Walked from Seaside to the highway entrance and back. Some ringed bills roosting on the rock and one herring gull. A few scattered ducks with more too distant to see in the mist. Footing treacherous due to ice. Blue Jays were the only passerines.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 06, 2021 0222 ΠΜ by mainebirder mainebirder | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Φεβρουάριος 07, 2021

Day 10 First New England Hoary Redpoll and lots of fun driving around an equipment lot

Distance .6 Temp in the 30s, wind calm building in the evening, clear skies clouding in 5he afternoon. We dipped on wwcb although the cone crop was heavy at Bohanan Farm. Pat’s target species was hoary redpoll, so tough to be sure on, but several had been reported at Pinnacle Lane, Walpole NH. Expecting a country lane we were surprised to find an equipment storage lot, but what a bonanza. A flock of 48 snow buntings was on the ground in front of us as we drove in, and later sat on the tops of the dirty snow banks and just made me smile. As we drove to the back of the lot, we found the redpolls feeding on the exposed turf. Flighty but we got very good looks. About 25. One was apparent to both os us, a little bigger, certainly paler, with clean under tail. After quite a bit of discussion and one usable photo, we felt confident calling it a hoary. There were several others that were possible candidates as well. 9 horned larks and a couple of juncos joined in. Everything scattered as a peregrine flew over and we moved on to Hadley MA. S80524204

At the honey pot we came upon the largest group of tree sparrows I can remember right along the river. A beautiful gray ghost noha, and good looks at horned lark. We also had horned lark at the airport. Dipped on the short eared owl. Waited until almost 5pm but got chilled and called it a day returning to Keene nh due to COVID restrictions. S80544508 EBird and S80531304

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 07, 2021 0152 ΠΜ by mainebirder mainebirder | 6 παρατηρήσεις | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Day 11. Three States before Lunch

Temp high teens to low twenties, slight wind. Snow cut day short at noon..6 miles.
We knew snow was coming in the afternoon but we managed to bird in Windham county Vermont, Franklin county Massachusetts and Cheshire county NH a very fertile three corner area of New England.

We went in search of snow buntings in Westminster VT. Found only horned larks, after driving over a farm field access road. Yea Subaru. The larks were digging into the steaming piles of used bedding getting warmth and food. Lots of vocalization. Used scopes to better appreciate them although som3 came quite close Westminster is a great area just across the river from NH. A place we have watched for nighthawk in the fall. Also home to Allen’s Marsh. Today it wasn’t so much the marsh but a very active feeder on the left just past the marsh. Common redpoll a single individual but enough for a Vermont bird, and of course Windham county. S80574863

On to Franklin County, Massachusetts. We explored the River Road Northfield and branches along the river. It was hopping. Singing Carolina Wren, Red Bellied Woodpecker, many, many juncos and cardinals. The male cardinals seemed particularly eye popping scarlet. ? New molt. American Tree Sparrow, new Franklin County bird. Really want to come back 8n the spring. We tried Turners Falls. Had a Coopers Hawk perched at the start of the canal, but it started to snow and we returned to NH. S80596677. Nothing new in Cheshire which we have nearly birdied out of winter birds. We’ll be back.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 07, 2021 1022 ΜΜ by mainebirder mainebirder | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Φεβρουάριος 08, 2021

Day 12 What a Difference a Day Makes

.5 miles, temperature in the high teens and low twenty with a noticeable wind when not in shelter. Started out a bit later in the morning to let things warm up. There was 3-7 inches of new snow, with the most in Worchester County. Ground feeding birds were non existent at Pinnacle Lane, Walpole, where just two days ago there were redpolls, snow buntings and horned larks. The YMCA loop in Keene NH was disappointing, with the best bird beautiful singing Eastern Bluebirds. Nice flock of Newfie Robins, large with brick red breasts but no Pine Grosbeaks in Lunenburg in the fruit trees where they had been all week. It did give us an opportunity to go to Fitchburg Airport, where there were drive up horned larks (6) and 1 snow bunting (both county birds) on the only bare patch of ground that was visible. Beautiful tinkling sound of larks as they flew. Got home around 3:30 after being away for 3 days, an all around satisfying trip for winter species in central New England. Have started a new tree identification learning project. Got red oak across from the motel in Keene last night, but unsure of the tree and possibly the associated leaf we found today on the YMCA loop.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 08, 2021 1152 ΜΜ by mainebirder mainebirder | 5 παρατηρήσεις | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Φεβρουάριος 10, 2021

Day 13 I'm a babe in the woods when it comes to trees

.38. gentle snow all day, now with about 4 new inches and 8 inches on the ground. Temps in the 20s with a 10 mph wind. Walked to Patricia's Way. Tree some kind of birch, gray or paper I think. Learning that leaves near trees don't necessarily come from them, and that red oak leaves can have several forms. Like confusing fall warblers? The red maple I am not at all sure of. Will just have to get more adept at using my resources to learn.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 10, 2021 0351 ΠΜ by mainebirder mainebirder | 3 παρατηρήσεις | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
