Day 5 Return to Capisic Park. Black Headed Grosbeak

.9 miles 19 degrees with a breeze. 1 inch snow cover. Pond completely frozen. Large snow storm in the offing. No robins today, but the redwing is still hanging in the multiflora. Did not emerge for better photos. I concentrated on the black headed grosbeak which I saw (county bird) at the feeder closest to Lucas street for 5 to 10 seconds. Not long enough for photo. It reappeared for an even shorter amount of time about 25 minutes later. Seemed to associate with the many cardinals in the area. A sharp shinned hawk made its appearance, and we finally knew what all the jay alarm calls were about. Kathy and Pat continued on and were successful with 2 dickcissals. at the feeder at Machigonne Street. Also saw Derek, but not many people here today.

The redwing has been feeding on multiflora rose and using the same for cover. A carolina wren sang after first giving its comb call.

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 01, 2021 1159 ΜΜ by mainebirder mainebirder


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Φεβρουάριος 1, 2021 07:43 ΠΜ EST


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