Ιούνιος 11, 2021

2021.06.10 garden

Overcast, light rain on and off


  • 2 quick glimpses of American lady (?) butterfly - once flittering around bee balm, once on stoke's aster... both times it flew away quickly
  • squash vine borer both, resting on baptisia
  • swamp milkweed flowers began to bloom
  • stokes asters: furrow bees, bumble bees
  • purple coneflowers: multiple furrow bees on 1st bloom
  • pale coneflower: furror bee methodically collecting pollen
  • appalachian mountain mint: stink bug eggs (?) hatching under leaf


  • planted 1 carolina bushpea (behind wild quinine, where joe pye had been)
  • planted 3 cardinal flowers from neighbor - left slope, front, between blue lobelia and swamp milkweed
  • planted mystery sunflower from neighbor ("dug up from East Club Blvd") - broke leave from root, planted root, put leave (with tiny piece of root attached) in jar with water
Posted on Ιούνιος 11, 2021 0228 ΠΜ by ch3chia ch3chia | 1 παρατήρηση

Σεπτέμβριος 03, 2018

Test post: Sunday, September 2, 2018

[ Posted Monday 9/3 ]

Seen in garden, afternoon around 2pm:

  • On great blue lobelia: 1 bumble bee (likely American bumble bee/bombus pennsylvanicus) & 2 goldenrod soldier beetles. Beetles mating and moving around the plant while attached. Same insects observed the day before (9/1). Also 1 Silver-spotted skipper.
  • On abelia: 1 hummingbird moth visited flowers in bloom. Did not come to lobelia, possibly because I was standing there?
  • On coastal plain tickseed: 1 orange assassin bug
  • Robber fly, later ID'ed as red-footed cannibal fly: hanging around coneflowers and abelias, did not see it hunting or carrying prey
  • Woodland pinkroot: late blooms on 2 of 4 plants.
  • Ants on lobelia and woodland pinkroot - not sure of species
Posted on Σεπτέμβριος 03, 2018 0225 ΜΜ by ch3chia ch3chia | 5 παρατηρήσεις | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
