Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Ιούλιος 2016

Ιούλιος 07, 2016

Ellis & Navarro County Texas Master Naturalist 2016 Training Class Announcement Flyer



CLASSES BEGIN: August 30 th

“Master Naturalist 2016 Annual Training Class”
Indian Trail Chapter, Texas Master Naturalist will hold their Annual Training
Classes on:
Tuesdays, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., from August 30 through November 15. 2016
At First United Methodist Church Family Life Center, 505 West Marvin Avenue, Waxahachie.

Applications are due by July 20, 2016

The Texas Master Naturalist Program is co-sponsored by the Texas A&M AgriLife
Extension Service and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

For more information and to receive an Application, please e-mail:
training@itmnc.com or ellis-tx@tamu.edu or contact the AgriLife
Extension Service Office by phone: 972-825- 5175.

Indian Trail Chapter is part of the statewide Texas Master Naturalist Volunteer Program of the Texas
Parks & Wildlife Department and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.

The Mission …to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and
service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within
their communities.

Posted on Ιούλιος 07, 2016 0858 ΜΜ by cgritz cgritz | 1 σχόλιο | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 11, 2016


We’ve got a small wildflower garden in the corner of our front yard where the rain gauges are. It looked odd to have the gauges in the front yard in the first place, but that’s where the weather service put the big one, so that’s where they all went. I planted a few Gregg’s Blue Mistflower around them the first year, and that looked pretty good. It calmed the corner a bit and made the rain gauges look like they belonged there and not something left on the street to be picked up.
The next year fall asters moved in on their own, so I enlarged the flower bed a bit more and added skullcap and ox-eye daisies to the edges. This year it grew again when we put in Lemon Bee balm, Chamomile and Indian Blanket, and now it’s 8 x8 feet square. It looks really nice there in the corner, and several people have commented how pretty the bee balm looks. I’ll have to trim the asters back a bit when they get too high (can’t block the rain gauges!)

That little corner garden has evolved into a native bee magnet. It’s amazing the variety of bees that show up there. This sunny morning in July I spent just over ten minutes taking photos of the bees there and ended up with
American Bumble Bee Bombus pensylvanicus
Eastern Carpenter Bee Xylocopa virginica
Halictidae (maybe genus Augochlora )
Metallic Green Bees genus Agapostemon

Southern Bronze Banded Bee
Halictus Ligatus
Leafcutter bee Megachile parallela
a tiny Leafcutter bee genus Megachile
Leafcutter bee genus Megachile
Resin Bee genus Heriades
Long-horned Bee Svastra obliqua
Plus a tiny Tiphiid wasp Tiphia vernalis, was in the grass next to the garden.
No Honey Bees in the garden that morning, they were all busy in the crape myrtle (and they aren’t native, anyway).

Posted on Ιούλιος 11, 2016 0459 ΜΜ by cgritz cgritz | 5σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 18, 2016


We're excited to announce our first MOTH NIGHT at Mockingbird Nature Park which will be on Wednesday, July 27 8:30pm to 11:00pm

Join the Indian Trail Master Naturalists and TPWD biologist as we document moths and nocturnal insects at Mockingbird Nature Park in Midlothian. This is a registered event during National Moth Week. http://nationalmothweek.org/events-map-2/ We will have moth lights set up and hope for a good turn out (both visitors and moths!)

It will be hot, so come prepared. Bring drinking water, and since it will be dark, a flashlight is recommended and wear close-toed shoes. Insect repellent is recommended to fend off those pesky mosquitoes! We will be staying on the trails for this nighttime event. Bring a camera if you would like to take photos of the moths and other night time insects we'll see.

This event is FREE and open to the public. We meet at the parking lot. Please join us! Mockingbird Nature Park is located just north of Mockingbird Lane, at 1361 Onward Rd, Midlothian, TX 76065

Posted on Ιούλιος 18, 2016 0937 ΜΜ by cgritz cgritz | 7σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 22, 2016



We're excited to announce our first MOTH NIGHT at Mockingbird Nature Park which will be on Wednesday, July 27 8:30pm to 11:00pm

Join the Indian Trail Master Naturalists and TPWD biologist Sam Kieschnick as we document moths and nocturnal insects at Mockingbird Nature Park in Midlothian. This is a registered event during National Moth Week. http://nationalmothweek.org/events-map-2/ We will have moth lights set up and hope for a good turn out (both visitors and moths!)

It will be hot, so come prepared. Bring drinking water, and since it will be dark, a flashlight is recommended and wear close-toed shoes. Insect repellent is recommended to fend off those pesky mosquitoes! We will be staying on the trails for this nighttime event. Bring a camera if you would like to take photos of the moths and other night time insects we'll see.

This event is FREE and open to the public. We meet at the parking lot. Please join us! Mockingbird Nature Park is located just north of Mockingbird Lane, at 1361 Onward Rd, Midlothian, TX 76065

Posted on Ιούλιος 22, 2016 1044 ΜΜ by cgritz cgritz | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
