Ιανουάριος 28, 2024

January - South Florida - Nature Calendar

January - South Florida - Nature Calendar

Bald Eagles here

Eastern Indigo Snakes breed from Oct-Feb. During this time the snakes are found in sandhills and, although this is the peak of winter, indigo snakes are active at temps (50-60 F) that are typically too cool for other snake species.

Jan at the Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge: Many bird groups spend the winter season at the Refuge. Many raptor species can be seen foraging over the wetlands or in the trees, including resident and migratory red-shouldered hawks. Hundreds of American robins, cedar-waxwings, and tree swallows are sometimes foraging in trees. Winter warblers such as prairie, orange-crowned, yellow-rumped warblers, northern water thrush, and ovenbirds also are found.

Early January:

01.09: I have a Turtle (Cooter) laying eggs video on YouTube. I took it on the Ibis Trail.

Late January:

31 Jan 2016: I shot a Bobcat video on YouTube

Posted on Ιανουάριος 28, 2024 1114 ΠΜ by arthur-windsor arthur-windsor | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Δεκέμβριος 04, 2023

December - South Florida - Nature Calendar

December - South Florida - Nature Calendar

Dec & Mar are the deadliest months in FL for car accidents

Portuguese Man-Of-War Jellyfish wash up on shore in late Fall

Bald Eagles here

American Robins arrive

Eastern Indigo Snakes breed from Oct-Feb. During this time the snakes are
found in sandhills and, although this is the peak of
winter, indigo snakes are active at temps (50-60 F) that
are typically too cool for other snake species.

White Pelicans arrive to the Florida Bay, Everglades over winter.

Dec at the Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge: With cooler weather, small mammals are seen more frequently. Early morning visitors may see grey foxes, otters, and marsh rabbits along the impoundment edges in the tall grasses. The number of wading and marsh birds increase with the cooler and drier weather.

Posted on Δεκέμβριος 04, 2023 1047 ΠΜ by arthur-windsor arthur-windsor | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Νοέμβριος 05, 2023

November - South Florida - Nature Calendar

November - South Florida - Nature Calendar

Bald Eagles here

Chirping Baby Alligators

Fall Mullet Run ending around the 11th

Eastern Indigo Snakes breed from Oct-Feb. During this time the
snakes are found in sandhills and, although this is the peak of
winter, indigo snakes are active at temps (50-60 F) that are
typically too cool for other snake species.

Nov at the Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge: Hurricanes occasionally approaching from the west side of the state in the fall will enhance the sightings of passerines such as Blackburnian Brewster’s, blue-winged, ceruleans, and chestnut-sided warblers. Pied billed grebes have migrated in for the winter and are easily observed in the impoundments. When they arrive they tend to stay in tight feeding groups, but soon disperse and forage individually. Northern wintering migrants continue to arrive to increase our year-round resident bird numbers. Some of these are palm warblers, grey catbirds, blue grey gnatcatchers, great-crested flycatcher, blue jays, northern cardinals, and white-eyed vireos. Bobcat kittens can be seen with their mother occasionally. River otters are observed regularly. Hundreds of tree swallows can occasionally be seen over the impoundments. Wintering waders are foraging in many locations and can be observed easily.

Posted on Νοέμβριος 05, 2023 1125 ΠΜ by arthur-windsor arthur-windsor | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Απρίλιος 25, 2020

Calendar Dates-Relating to Hiking & Wildlife Photography (growing list)

05 Jan....................National Bird Day
10 Jan.....................National Save the Eagles Day
21 Jan......................National Squirrel Appreciation Day
25 Jan....................National Florida Day

01 Feb.....................National Serpent Day
02 Feb...………..…..World Wetlands Day

01 Mar....................National Pig Day
03 Mar...….....…….World Wildlife Day
14 Mar....................National Learn About Butterflies Day
2nd Sun of Mar.....Daylight Savings-spring ahead
19 Mar.....................National Backyard Day
20/21 Mar.............Spring-equal daylight & darkness
21 Mar...…………....International Day of Forests
30 Mar...................National Take a Walk in the Park Day

14 Apr....................National Dolphin Day
17 Apr.....................International Bat Appreciation Day
22 Apr...…………....National Earth Day
26 Apr....................National Audubon Day
4th Sat of Apr.......Celebrate Trails Day
Last Sat of Apr.....Save the Frogs Day

04 May...................National Bird Day
1st Sat of May........National Start Seeing Monarchs Day
13 May....................National Frog Jumping Day
2nd Sat of May.....WMBD-World Migratory Bird Day
20 May.............…...World Bee Day
21 May.....................World Fish Migration Day
3rd Fri of May.........National Endangered Species Day
22 May....................International Day for Biological Diversity
23 May....................World Turtle Day
31 May.....................World Parrot Day

01 Jun.......................World Reef Awareness Day
03 Jun.......................World Bicycle Day
05 Jun......................World Environment Day
1st Sat of Jun..........National Trails Day
1st Sat of Jun..........National Black Bear Day
1st Sat of Jun..........National Prairie Day
08 Jun......................World Oceans Day
2nd Sat of Jun.........National Dragonfly Day
15 Jun........................Nature Photography Day
16 Jun........................World Sea Turtle Day
17 Jun........................World Crocodile Day
18 Jun........................National Go Fishing Day
20 Jun.......................National American Eagle Day
20/21 Jun................Summer-most daylight
20/21 Jun................National Seashell Day
25 Jun.......................National Catfish Day
29 Jun.......................National Camera Day

July............................National Parks Month
14 Jul........................National Tape Measure Day
16 Jul........................World Snake Day
21-29 Jul...…………..National Moth Week

07 Aug.....................National Lighthouse Day
11 Aug.......................Play in the Sand Day
14 Aug......................World Lizard Day
19 Aug......................World Photography Day
20 Aug.....................World Mosquito Day
3rd Sat of Aug........World Honey Bee Day
25 Aug......................National Park Service Founders Day
30 Aug......................National Beach Day

02 Sep......................National Hummingbird Day
04 Sep......................National Wildlife Day
3rd Thu of Sep........National Pawpaw Day
22/23 Sep...............Fall-equal daylight & darkness
4th Sat of Sep.........National Public Lands Day
4th Sat of Sep.........National Hunting & Fishing Day
29 Sep.......................Urban National Wildlife Refuge Day

2nd Sat of Oct........World Migratory Bird Day
21 Oct........................National Reptile Awareness Day

1st Sun of Nov.........Daylight Savings-fall back
17 Nov........................National Take a Hike Day

04 Dec.....................Wildlife Conservation Day
21/22 Dec...............Winter-shortest daylight
21/22 Dec...............National Flashlight Day

Posted on Απρίλιος 25, 2020 0658 ΜΜ by arthur-windsor arthur-windsor | 1 σχόλιο | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο