Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Μάιος 2020

Μάιος 20, 2020

Project update - Changes coming your way!

Hello Thora Hart Naturalists! There are some changes to this project you need to be aware of...

When this project was originally created several years ago, iNaturalist required users to add each observation into the project manually. Unfortunately, if a naturalist was not aware of the project, his/her observations were not included. Over time, the iNat Project Features evolved into "Collection" style which automatically adds your observations into a project like this, based on location. Now we can include all observations made within park boundaries, regardless of whether a user joins as a project member or not.

Without going into technical details, converting the project from "Traditional" to "Collection" was causing some hiccups. To simplify the process, this project has been designated as a "Legacy Project", meaning it remains functional but is not supported by the automated collection process. A new "Thora Hart Park" Project is now available to automatically add all observations within park boundaries. Again, you do not need to do anything to have your observations included. All previous observations have been migrated to the new project already.

A bonus to this change is that your observation counts just jumped up, because we all had observations left out of the old project by accident. For example, @sambiology had 86 observations before, but now he has 322! We previously had 1,392 total observations by 11 people. The new collection feature identified 1,903 observations by 16 people, with a few more smaller tweaks needed to include another 100 or so observations still slipping through the cracks.


If you have questions, feel free to send me a message! If you think your counts are still incorrect, please let me know so I can research it! If you haven' been to Thora Hart lately, GO NOW! 😃

Happy iNatting!


Posted on Μάιος 20, 2020 0530 ΠΜ by kimberlietx kimberlietx | 11σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
