Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Σεπτέμβριος 2021

Σεπτέμβριος 09, 2021

North side - 09/08/21

Wednesday 9:00 -11:12 am: no newts.
Weather - hot. Air quality wasn't great, even though the numbers on purple air looked good. I skipped my survey last week due to the bad air quality.
Other roadkills: a little piece of lizard - an alligator lizard?
I kept hearing chipmunks calling from everywhere, but I was only able to see one of them.

Coverage: from the parking lot to the second stop sign.
Traffic: 6 trucks, 17 cars, 9 bikes, 8 pedestrians, and 12 cars parked by the road and in the parking lots (2 cars at the far lot). It was very quiet, very few trucks, cars, etc. I saw someone opening the gate to the boat club on my way back. There were very few fishermen and hikers - one car per trailhead (in addition to a few on the first lot).
A link to all my observations of the day - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2021-09-08&place_id=any&user_id=merav&verifiable=any

Posted on Σεπτέμβριος 09, 2021 0508 ΠΜ by merav merav | 2σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Σεπτέμβριος 17, 2021

North side - 09/16/21

Thursday 9:20 -11:13 am: no newts.
Weather - cold, for a change. Air quality is also good.
Other roadkills: a small spider wasp.
I didn't hear or see any chipmunks this time. Maybe it was too cold. I spent some time looking for oak galls on scrub oaks, and found some interesting ones. Also, when I got back to the parking lot I heard two crows making a lot of noise. They were chasing a golden eagle, that then landed on a tall eucalyptus on the hill in front of me. A few minutes later it took off, and the crows followed.
Coverage: from the parking lot to the second stop sign.
Traffic: 7 trucks, 28 cars, 4 bikes, 17 pedestrians, and 19 cars parked by the road and in the parking lots (1 car at the far lot). It was very quiet again, a few trucks, cars, etc.
A link to all my observations of the day - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2021-09-16&place_id=any&user_id=merav&verifiable=any

Posted on Σεπτέμβριος 17, 2021 0523 ΠΜ by merav merav | 3σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο