Το Ημερολόγιο του Metro Phoenix EcoFlora

Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Αύγουστος 2020

Αύγουστος 11, 2020

July 2020 EcoQuest Results

The July EcoQuest was a tough one, both in subject and for observing. Wildfire in the Sonoran Desert can seem devastating, especially knowing how long it can take to recover. This season was also record breaking, with 34 days over 110 degrees Fahrenheit so far. But, you still managed to get out and observe plants that can help naturally make a comeback after a fire.

Here are the results:

Most Observations:
@thegardenhound 579
@tmohseni 3
@ezpixels 3
@tristap 2
@lroselle 2

Most Species:
@tmohseni 3
@ezpixels 3
@tristap 2
@thegardenhound 2
@lroselle 2
@dap624 2

Most Observed Species:
Triangle-leaf bursage(Ambrosia deltoidea) : 498
Jojoba(Simmondsia chinensis) : 83
Brittlebush(Encelia farinosa) : 5
Creosote(Larrea tridentata) : 5
Desert globemalow(Sphaeralcea ambigua) : 2
White rattany(Krameria bicolor) : 2

Final Counts:
Observations: 604
Observers: 18
Identifiers: 9

Shoutout to @thegardenhound who made a whopping 579 observations. WOW! We can definitely see where these plants can provide habitat for others to grow and provide a source for seed.

Thank you for your contribution, Neighborhood Naturalists!

Posted on Αύγουστος 11, 2020 1120 ΜΜ by jenydavis jenydavis | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο