Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Αύγουστος 2015

Αύγουστος 21, 2015

August 21st LLELA iNaturalist Challenge

Ok folks. We're just two species away from hitting 600. I encourage all the LLELA and North Texas iNaturalists to enter two new species observations at LLELA this coming weekend.

It's been a great summer with all the water. Lots of first observations for LLELA. Most notably a Pale-faced club skimmer dragonfly by a newcomer to our group, Roberto Calderon aka 'augalita'. According to Odonata Central there has been only one documented observation/specimen of Pale-faced Club Skimmer in Denton County and that was way back in 1975.

As the end of summer approaches we are scheduling a resumption of our iNaturalist workshops, weekend Photo Safaris and monthly 'get-together' socials. Watch your mail as we start in September.

There's rumor we may even have an iNaturalist group campout. Hope the floods recede!

Get out there and make it a great weekend and GET ME TWO NEW SPECIES!

Posted on Αύγουστος 21, 2015 0902 ΜΜ by mchlfx mchlfx | 2σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Αύγουστος 24, 2015

LLELA iNaturalist Calendar

It's been a great spring and summer for LLELA iNatr's. Lots of new and rare species documented here. With Fall coming fast we're firing up our calendar of events again. Starting next month (September) we'll be having a monthly iNaturalist Workshop, Get-Together and Photo Safari. Mark your calendars now!

Thursday Sep 10 7-9pm iNat Get Together (Tierney's)
Sunday Sep 20 7-9am Photo Safari (LLELA Pavilion)
Tuesday Sep 22 7-8:45pm iNat Workshop (Library)

Thursday Oct 8 7-9 iNat Get Together (Tierney's)
Saturday Oct 17 7:15-9:15am Photo Safari (LLELA Pavilion)
Tuesday Oct 20 7-8:45pm iNat Workshop (Lewisville Public Library)

Saturday Nov 7 9-11am Photo Safari (LLELA Pavilion)
Thursday Nov 12 7-9pm iNat Get Together (Tierney's)
Tuesday Nov 17 7-8:45pm iNat Workshop (Lewisville Public Library)

Thursday Dec 10 iNat Get Together (Tierney's)
Saturday Dec 12 1-3pm Photo Safari (LLELA Pavilion)

If there is an interest I am certainly open to making one of the workshops an 'Advanced' class. We can learn about extracting and analyzing observation data, advanced searches and data links.

I hope you'll all attend. This is becoming a really great and admired group of Naturalists.

Posted on Αύγουστος 24, 2015 0713 ΜΜ by mchlfx mchlfx | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο