Welcome to the Raptor Survey!

@peterolsoy @cgates326 @masonmaron @jnelson @sydnianajones @the-catfinch @uta_stansburiana @josegarrido @brodiecasstalbott @benmeredyk

Hello birders and naturalists, this is the third year I'm doing the iNaturalist project Inland Pacific Northwest Raptor Migration. You have been tagged because in the past two years, you submitted the most observations within the projects perimeters. The purpose of this post is to recruit volunteers to participate and give a rundown on how the project work.

This project and it's sister project covering western Washington and Oregon, are designed to purely to find raptors. The idea is to try to photograph as many raptors as possible in a six month period, July to December. Why does the project last so long? These six months can be subdivided into 3 stages of raptors of migration and provides the best chance for birders to see all 35 expected species. July and August is the tail end of breeding season where birders see the run of the mill species. September and October is the time to look for rarity Buteos like Broad-winged Hawks or vagrant Red-tailed Hawk subspecies. Finally, the winter months of November and December gives us the winter specialties like Rough-legged Hawks, Gyrfalcons and Snowy Owls.

Now I understand some of you may not be able to participate because you're not in the area but it can, join the project, receive weekly updates and news, and submit observations. If you cannot participate, maybe this can be a great time to encourage some of your birding friends to join iNat. My main goals for the project this year is get 1,000 observations, see more Broad-winged Hawks and get a couple more of the more elusive owls. Thank you for your time and I hope to see you this migration season!

Posted on Ιούνιος 27, 2021 0647 ΜΜ by birdwhisperer birdwhisperer


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