Belated Weekly Update

Last year, I made sure I wrote weekly updates and I'm two days late in posting this but no harm done. Anyway, toot toot we obtained 23 observations over the first week of this project which is not a lot, especially compared to the Coastal survey which already has more Osprey and Bald Eagles than this project in general. Oh well, we can only do so much.

As some of you might be familiar with, I also do a weekly spotlight for my favorite observation. This week goes to @cgates326 for his photo a male Northern Harrier near Powell Butte. Harriers, also called swamp hawks, are elegant fliers, most prominently found in marshy or wet areas. The males can be identified by their pale ghostly bodies and long tail. They are also the only raptor besides owls that exhibit a facial disk. I expect to see many more harrier sightings in throughout this project as they tend to be more a common species. While you wait for one to photograph, you can see the observation here:

This first week of July was really busy for me and I was only able to get 3 raptors during these first days. I'll try better so I can encourage you folks to photograph some more raptors. Also be sure to check out the umbrella project, encompassing observations from the inland and coastal surveys over the past couple of years. I will be posting some useful id tips on that group so be sure to join the group and receive those updates. Have a good week birding!

Posted on Ιούλιος 10, 2021 0205 ΠΜ by birdwhisperer birdwhisperer


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