Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Οκτώβριος 2013

Οκτώβριος 03, 2013

Geotagging Photos

Smartphone photos are convenient because they add GPS coordinates to every photograph, but what about when you want to use a camera without a GPS? You can mark an observation with the iNaturalist App, but that takes time in the field. The most efficient method is to record your track with your smartphone or a GPS, and use the track file to assign GPS coordinates to your photographs on your computer. It takes a little time to figure out, but once you do, it makes it really easy and fast to geotag your photos.


  1. Make sure your camera and GPS are set to the same time zone.
  2. Track location with a GPS or smartphone while taking pictures.
  3. Upload GPS file to your computer.
  4. Automatically assign coordinates to photos based on GPS file.
  5. Drop your photos into iNaturalist

GPS: You can use any GPS to create a track log (.gpx); a number of models called GPS loggers are small enough to easily fit in your pocket. You can also use your smart phone; a mobile app called GeotagPhotos (http://www.geotagphotos.net) makes this exceptionally easy because it automatically uploads the tracks to dropbox. GPX Master (http://www.rangdasoftware.com/GPX_Master.html) is a free app that does the same thing, and there may be others. If you use a GPS logger then you have the added step of uploading the gpx file to your computer, but it won’t be using your batteries on your phone. Either way, make sure your camera is set to the right date, time, and time zone.

If you have a GPS that does not export the track as a GPX file, GPS babel (http://www.gpsbabel.org/) is free software that will convert the file to GPX.

Assigning coordinates: Once the track file (GPX) is on your computer it is easy to assign coordinates to photos with most photo management software. In Adobe Lightroom it takes about two clicks to geotag all the photos from a trip. If you don’t have software that will do this, there are free options that will:


This youtube video shows how easy it is to geotag photos with the GeotagPhotos app and Adobe Lightroom:


Geotagging your photos makes adding them to iNaturalist a breeze. You can just drag and drop them into iNaturalist, and iNaturalist will automatically create the location based on the coordinates in the metadata. It will also automatically bring in the name and comments if you filled out the metadata. The only thing it doesn’t do is assign the accuracy, which can be done with a quick batch edit. Here is a link to the photo uploader:


*Thanks to CH and Herps of Texas Project for this post

Posted on Οκτώβριος 03, 2013 0310 ΜΜ by dbroman dbroman | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Οκτώβριος 08, 2013

Observation Location Accuracy

We are very interested in the locational accuracy of an observation, meaning the measurement of the location’s precision. While observations can be submitted within a very general location (over 1 km), observations that are mapped to within 5 or 10 meters of the actual observation are much more desired. No matter what your accuracy is for an observation, it is important to assign the accuracy so we know how the data can be used. An observation lacking an assigned accuracy has limited value.

The observations that you provide are used for a variety of conservation purposes. Some do not require a high degree of accuracy, like county lists. Other projects, like distribution modeling, require an accuracy of 30 meters or less. Observations without an assigned accuracy will not likely be used for environmental review, conservation planning, or distribution modeling.

Fortunately, it is easy to assign accuracy with iNaturalist. If you record the location with the iNaturalist app, then it assigns the accuracy automatically. However, if you assign the location using the metadata from a photo (e.g. pictures taken on your phone contain information on your location), or by manually mapping it through the web interface, then you need to add the accuracy by editing the observation.
The accuracy field, labeled “Acc (M)”, is located directly below the coordinates, and just above the map. Just enter the distance in meters that includes the entire area where the observation could have taken place. When you assign accuracy, a red circle around the point will appear. You can click on the circle and drag it in or out based on the map and it will automatically adjust the accuracy. It is also possible to edit accuracy for multiple observations using the batch edit tool.

Also, don’t forget to identify the location of the animal/sign and not where you were standing. For example, if you capture a photo of a red fox in a field while on a walk, be sure to enter the fox’s location (and an estimate of accuracy) rather than using your location on the trail.

If you are concerned about mapping a precise location, you may want to adjust the geoprivacy setting. You can learn more about geoprivacy here:http://www.inaturalist.org/pages/help#geoprivacy

Posted on Οκτώβριος 08, 2013 0424 ΜΜ by dbroman dbroman | 3σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Οκτώβριος 30, 2013

Photographing Tracks & Sign

Some great advice from the Mammals of Texas iNat project:

Tracks are an excellent way to document many of the more secretive mammals, but how you photograph them dramatically effects whether others will be able see enough to provide an identification.
Here are a few tips on taking photos of tracks that will help make it easy for others to identify them later.

1) Include a scale. Whenever possible, include a ruler in the photo. If you don't have a ruler, use a coin or paper currency as those are a consistent size. Pocket knives come in many sizes and are therefore unhelpful for use as a scale.

2) Shade the track. In bright light, your photos will often look much better if the track is shaded. This also eliminates dark shadows that can distort the track.

3) Take a close up and a contextual photo. Take a good close up photo of the track as well as a photo from a little ways back that includes the gait pattern and other associated tracks. A photo of the general area that shows the habitat can also be helpful. Because iNat allows it, submit all of these photos in a single observation as they all serve as clues for track/sign identification.

Good luck & keep up the good work!

Posted on Οκτώβριος 30, 2013 0711 ΜΜ by dbroman dbroman | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο