Μάιος 23, 2023

Let´s Celebrate The First 1000 Observations

Less than nine months after being launched as a project within iNaturalist in early September 2022, “accidental epiphytes” has reached the number of 1000 observations. We have observations of almost 400 species from all continents except Antarctica. The project currently counts with 37 members, but the observations are from more than 300 contributors, who uploaded observations to iNaturalist with comments on the “unsusual habitat”, which allowed me to add them to the project. There are certainly more hidden ones out there, which do not have the magic “e”-word to search for. Vincent and I advertised the project among vegetation ecologists. We hope that the recent article in the IAVS Bulletin gives the project an additional boost.

Keep on uploading these observations…


PS In the context of this project you may be interested in this open access article: Zotz G, Einzmann HJR. 2023. How epiphytic are filmy ferns? A semi-quantitative approach. Diversity 15: 270.

Posted on Μάιος 23, 2023 0356 ΠΜ by gz_uol gz_uol | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
