4th of July

Cruising towards the 21,000 mark for the year. Wow. 125 species, over 1,000 contributors. Challenging to keep up. Currently at 3,493 research grade observations for the last 10 days of June. This is very close to last year's high mark, and with a better species diversity.

Successful completion of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas meeting in Marietta last weekend. Good socialization, a bit exhausting. We had small but enthusiastic pre and post field trips. All good.

Given our meeting proximity in SE Ohio counties, we pushed all the needy local counties (Monroe, Noble, Belmont, Guernsey, Meigs, Morgan) past the 1,000 observation mark. Also a number of new County Records, helping boost those numbers.

The last 10 days of June are typically our high point for observations and diversity, so while observations remain high, diversity begins to decline. There are still things to see.

Our 5-year average on species/year is 135ish. We're at 125 currently. For some, we're now past - Boreal Bluet, Chalk-fronted Corporal, Northern Spreadwing. A couple others, pretty slim history - River Bluet, Rambur's Forktail. Thing seen last year, but not yet this year:

Arrow Clubtail
Black-tipped Darner
Elusive Clubtail
Gilded River Cruiser
Green-striped Darner
Laura's Clubtail
Shadow Darner
Smoky Rubyspot
Stygian Shadowdragon

We'll need most of these to be in the zone. Some can be expected, others will need a bit of luck. Past that, we'll be hoping for Striped Saddlebags.

Posted on Ιούλιος 04, 2024 0132 ΠΜ by jimlem jimlem


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