front half acre

my partner mowed a grid pattern across the front half acre today. it has a power line run across it diagonally and close to 10 years ago we had to remove all the trees from it because it was just too hard to maintain. about 4 years ago we decided to let it grow into a meadow, but put a few paths through it so I could observe what grew & also so that we could still walk through it and cut down any seedlings that grew. but it's also hard to maintain considering the sheer volume of plant growth there.

so today we cut it into a topsy turvy grid. it feels almost like it has multiple separate "gardens" within it, and now that I'm able to get to more of it I am observing how diverse it is in terms of plant life.

the best part of it is that, if I walk it every day I can document what's newly growing and blooming, and what's dying back. it's like a naturalist's dream, really.

one of my projects has been to remove cultivars from around the house, and then to create beds of native or naturalized plants. so this new configuration in the front meadow will give me lots of new plants for that project.

Posted on Ιούλιος 01, 2024 1121 ΜΜ by meridians_ meridians_


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