Why I like INaturalist

I like INat for many reasons. It has a good format that I can understand and use. Its format is one of my favorite parts. I have tried other nature websites and I can't figure out how they work. Another of my favorite things about INat is that you can make an observation on anything natural. I could take a photo of a bowl of fruit on my table and it would get IDs. That is something that I have not found at any other place. Ebird only has birds, Plantnet only has plants, and so on. I also like how many things you can do on INat, you can join and make projects, you can submit observations, you can identify observations, you can read other peoples journal posts, you can go to the forum, and so much more. INat has helped me identify so many of the things I find. I really do like INat a lot and hope everyone else does to.

Posted on Ιούνιος 12, 2024 1122 ΠΜ by teddyclark teddyclark


Love this comment.

Αναρτήθηκε από wmrossmd 4 μήνες πριν

i Naturalist is a good site. Interesting comments are helpful in seeing nature through another's eyes.

Αναρτήθηκε από kathyross198122 3 μήνες πριν

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