Project Update - Spring 2023

State of the Project
Members: 3
Admins: 1
Observations: 96,797
Research Grade Observations: 45,329 (46.83%)
Needs ID: 51,468 (53.17%)
Unknowns (from companion project): 53
Species 2,010
Identifiers: 2,399
Observers: 7,747
Identification Guides published: 4 that are probably useful, 1 dubious (Delphiniums), and additional notes.

Project Configuration
After initiating the project, I learned how to better use places in iNat and was able to move the project boundaries to better reflect the Greater Yellowstone Area (thanks to the iNatter that created the place). At the time, I remember thinking that it only made a difference of a few thousand observations, but when I compare the stats from now to October 2022, the reduction in observations suggests that more were removed. I don’t expect to change the boundaries again, so we have a new baseline.

2023 Spring/Summer Goals

  • Monitor and help “unknowns” of the Yellowstone Ecosystem.
  • Recognize and offer supportive tips for issues that may slow/prevent identifications. I think quick interaction will help increase corrections/clarifications by observers. In turn, quicker and more specific identifications makes Nat more rewarding for observers.
  • Observe things that I now know to look for to aid with species IDs (wrinkles on anthers for shooting stars).
  • Consider broadly useful characters when observing plants to see if I can improve my functional knowledge and create easier to ID observations.
  • Above all else, enjoy being outside.

If you have goals for the season, please share them.

Posted on Απρίλιος 26, 2023 0338 ΠΜ by whitneybrook whitneybrook


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