Welcome New People!

Our participation grows, slowly! We're up to 35 today. Anyone have ideas about marketing / advertising to ge the word out? I've posted in various Facebook groups. And have been messaging iNat users, one by one... 700 or more by now... I planning a T%allahassee Democrat article soon to get the word out that way, and maybe I can get that article into various other local papers in Thomasville, Valdosta, Panama City and so on, if they exist any longer. I've got some folks who were involved in the 2019 CNC, who may help me get a spot on NPR radio. If anyone has an idea, please share here!
TIA, Ingolf

Posted on Δεκέμβριος 05, 2022 0902 ΜΜ by ingolfaskevold ingolfaskevold


Which Facebook groups? If I can share with my friends on FB, that would help.

Αναρτήθηκε από jenn_rabbit σχεδόν 2 χρόνια πριν

Hi, thanks for response! FaceBook Group, “iNaturalist Bioblitz & City Nature Challenge, NW Florida & SW Georgia”, as a method for mass communication about the Challenge. You can check that out and do a Join Request (answer a few questions), to follow along and engage in conversation!
I've not had many folks join that group, I'm not good at marketing so it does little right now. Once they join the iNaturalist CNC I will be doing journal posts there. But if folks don't join that they get no feed.
Thanks for your help! Talking with friends is how things grow!

Αναρτήθηκε από ingolfaskevold σχεδόν 2 χρόνια πριν

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