November Virtual Seminar

Socio-Ecological Dynamics of Green Roof Ecosystems

November 21, 5:00PM EST


Over the last decade, research focusing on the ecology of green roofs has shifted from relatively simple horticultural studies to a suite of approaches highlighting green roofs as complex dynamic ecological systems positioned within the larger urban ecosystem. Like some types of urban green spaces, green roofs help to mitigate some negative effects of urbanization such as stormwater run-off, the urban heat island effect, habitat fragmentation, and loss of biodiversity. Additionally, emerging research highlights the potential psychological and social benefits of green roofs. In this talk, Jason will discuss the form and function of green roof ecosystems, highlighting emerging social and ecological research.

Jason Aloisio, Ph.D., has more than 10 years of experience designing, conducting, supervising, and evaluating urban ecology research and education programs. His published research focuses on socio-ecological dynamics of urban ecosystems, urban plant ecology, urban environmental education, and broadening participation in STEM fields.

Posted on Νοέμβριος 14, 2022 0825 ΜΜ by glyptostrob0ides glyptostrob0ides


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