I need out!

After a week or so of extreme temperatures where I did not go out, we are now in a cool spell where the daily temperatures are only in the 80s and 90s. However, there is a huge fire, the Mosquito Fire, burning just to the east of us and its smoke is settling in the valley. The air quality is hazardous and going outside hurts my lungs so I am staying inside in the presence of air filters. What is it doing to all of the creatures which cannot get to clear air. And I just read an article on BBC concerning PM 2.5 air pollution and how it causes cancer.


I also read another very disturbing article this morning about how most Minnesots deer have high levels of neonicotinoids. How stupid can we be.


Humans are not worthy of this earth.

Posted on Σεπτέμβριος 11, 2022 0759 ΜΜ by joerich joerich


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