Ohio Spring Oak Gall Wasp Report 2022

This is perhaps a bit premature considering there is a final flush of what I consider to be spring galls still to arrive (Amphibolips nublipennis among a few others) but here is a summary of my observations of this years gall wasp season in Ohio (mostly NE Ohio, but a couple trips to NW, W an S Ohio are included here as well).

Appearing well before leafout

Neuroterus vesicula
First appeared in mid-March on the usual first tree on the College of Wooster campus, earliest observation of this species for me so far. Common this year, as usual, with a little hunting and the right timing this is on nearly every Quercus alba in NE Ohio.
Most common host: Q alba
Also seen on: Q macrocarpa, Q bicolor (both with slightly different coloration phenotypes)

Appearing slightly before or with leafout

Callirhytis gallaestriatae
First appeared in Mid-April this year a bit behind normal schedule. Less common than last year, present on the usual trees but in fewer numbers.
Most common host: Quercus palustris

Andricus pisiformis
First appeared in mid-late April. Was an good year for these, which seem to have a patchy distribution, common in some areas and absent from others. In three years of observations this has had an 2020- high, 2021 – low, 2022 – high, pattern so far.
Most common host: Quercus alba
Also seen on: Quercus stellata (SE/S Ohio, and WV)

Andricus coronus
First appeared in early May. Appears to be very rare in NE Ohio, I know of only one site. Consistently appear at this site every year.
Most common host: Quercus palustris

Amphibolips ellipsoidalis
First appeared very late April. Good year for these which appear to be consistent year-over-year. Somewhat patchy distribution, but can be found at most sites with significant Q. imbricaria populations if you look hard enough.
Most common host: Quercus imbricaria
Also seen on: Q. rubra, Q. velutina

Appearing with or slightly after leafout
Most of the following were slightly behind when I have observed them in the past this year, although I think we have almost caught up to normal as of now.

Andricus comota/Neuroterus clarkae
First appeared Mid-May. Not sure how to tell these apart. Uncommon. Usually find these in wild areas as opposed to cultivated/disturbed areas.
Host: Q alba

Dryocosmus quercuspalustris (DQP)
First appeared early May, definitely behind last year by at least a week. Huge populations this year, as usual. 100s-1000s of galls on some trees. One of the most reliable galls, year-over-year.
Most common host: Q. palustris
Other hosts: Q. imbricaria, Q. rubra, Q. velutina

Dryocosmus quercusnotha
1st Appeared early May. Bumper year for these, absolutely incredible infestation levels on some trees and on nearly every Q. palustris tree in NE Ohio. Never seen this to even close this level before.
Most common host: Q palustris

Dryocosmus q-imbricaria-sack-gall
First appeared in early May. Huge populations this year. A fairly common gall year-over-year. Have not documented well in the past, but typically have decent population levels. Definitely higher than in the past this year.
Host: Q imbricara

First appeared in Mid-May. Unsure of rarity as I have not intensively looked for this species, but seems to be uncommon. Like a shiny N. vesicula.
Host: Q palustris

Dryocosmus cinerae
First appeared in Mid-May. Fairly common, much more common than reported, on most Q. rubra if you look hard enough. Have never looked for them intensively enough to get an idea of year-over-year population fluctuations.
Most common host: Q rubra
Also seen on: Q imbricaria

First appeared in Mid-May. First year I have noticed these, at first thought they were odd DQP galls but they have a different internal structure. Fairly common this year (though not even close to the Dryocosmus sp in numbers). At least a half dozen of these on most Q imbricaria in the Wayne county area.
Most common host: Q imbricaria
Also seen on: Q rubra

Amphibolips quercusinanis
First appeared Mid-May. Most common of the Oak Apples in NE Ohio. Still not super common, high populations on the same trees year-over-year. Absent at most sites.
Most common host: Q rubra

Amphibolips confluenta
Mid-May. Uncommon. In my experience more common in more “wild” areas. Have not observed frequently enough to notice any patterns.
Most common host: Q. velutina

Amphibolips quercusoostensackenii
Mid-May. Can usually find on most Q. rubra trees. Not in nearly as large of numbers as DQP. Easy to confuse with DQP. Consistent populations year-over-year.
Most common host: Q. rubra

Neuroterus quercusirregularis
Mid-May. Uncommon, see only occasionally with little pattern to its appearance.
Most common hosts: Q alba, Q stellata (S Ohio)

Dryocosmus floridensis
Mid-May. Common in NE Ohio and especially Wayne County. Common year-over-year on the same trees. Perhaps slightly down this year compared to last year, but not by much.
Most common host: Q. imbricaria
Other hosts: Q. velutina, Q rubra, Q schumardii, Q coccinea, Q palustris

Callirhytis quercusventricosa
Mid-Late May. Uncommon, highest populations that I have seen this year, still not common. Previously thought these were more common on the prairie Q imbricaria populations, but have found quite a few of them on Killbuck swamp Q imbricaria this year.
Most common host: Q imbricaria

Amphibolips acuminata
…or whatever these turn out to be. Appear Mid-Late May. Common in this area. High populations year-over-year on the same trees. Highest populations in swampy areas (Killbuck Swamp, Jackson Bog). Hope to rear to confirm/deny their identity.
Host: Q imbricaria

Late May. Uncommon. Lower populations this year compared to the last two. Patchy distribution, most frequent in the Killbuck Swamps and surrounding area. Used to think this was Amphibolips qrugosa but does not match the description as well as some other galls. Will attempt to rear this year to confirm or deny this fact.
Host: Q. imbricaria

Andricus quercusfutilis
Late May. Very common as they are every year, at nearly every site with a significant Q alba population.
Host: Q alba

Callirhytis seminator
Mid-Late May. Uncommon, one of the few galls I think is overreported due to its charisma. Spotty distribution here in NE Ohio. Frequent at a few sites, but rare or absent elsewhere. Have seen a half dozen or so this year, more than any previous year, but that is an incredibly tiny number compared to many galls on this list.
Host: Q alba

Andricus quercuspeticola
Mid-Late May. Very common but patchy distribution. Common again this year, and there seems to be little fluctuation in populations year-over-year. Have not observed a pattern in preferred host, seems to be equally distributed on most white oak species.
Hosts: Q. alba, Q. macrocarpa, Q. bicolor

Andricus quercusutriculus
Mid-Late May. Common, easy to miss as it is not charismatic. Probably on most white oaks, if one was to look.
Host: Q alba, Q stellata (S/W Ohio)

Callirhytis quercusoperator
Mid-Late May. Rare in NE Ohio. Only one observation at a weird urban site. Judging by iNat observations is more common elsewhere.
Observed host: Q imbricaria

Callirhytis flavipes
Late May. Rare, but possibly just overlooked. Consistently on the same trees every year. Common on the OSU-Wooster campus, rarely observed elsewhere.
Host: Q. macrocarpa

Andricus foliaformis
Late May. Rare. On the same trees every year but some fluctuation. This year a down year compared to last year.
Host: Q macrocarpa

Less conspicuous galls observed (not sure if actually rare or just overlooked): Andricus chinquapin, Neuroterus minutus, Neuroters escharensis

Rare galls observed: Callirhytis nigrae, Callirhytis exigua, Callirhytis confusa, Q imbricaria bud gall (Zapatella oblata?), Q imbricaria “sparkle” gall

Not observed this year: Callirhytis parva, Callirhytis pulchra, Melikaiella tumifica, Acraspis gemula

Post leaf out (still to come, or just starting)
Amphibolips nublipennis, Amphibolips globus, Melikaiella ostensackenii, Callirhytis balanacea and a few others.

Posted on Μάιος 27, 2022 0917 ΜΜ by calconey calconey


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