The Half-way Point

How’s everyone doing? Still having fun – or beginning to be a little bleary-eyed (like me)?

We are doing great, by the way. For perspective, last weekend, during the same span of time, the total number of New England plant observations needing an ID dropped by 916 and the number of species-level observations needing IDs dropped by 557. This doesn’t take into account plant observations that were added during that time – there’s no good way to measure that – but it does give us an idea of the “usual” level of plant identifying that happens at this time of year.

In contrast, in the first 24 hours of this ID-a-thon, the total number dropped by 4,528 and the number of species-level observations dropped by 3,529. In other words: WOW! You all are doing great work! More than six times the “usual” level of species-level IDs in half the time!!

I’d also like to say welcome to the members of the New England Botanical Society that have just joined us! If you joined iNaturalist for this project, you’re likely to be a little confused by all of this. It’s not you, I promise; iNaturalist has a bit of a learning curve. Go poke around in the Getting Started section of the website: . Wander around in the Explore tab. Read the journal posts for this project. Feel free to ask questions – I certainly did when I started using iNat.

If you’re getting bored with how you’re tackling the Needs ID pile, think about looking at the unverified observations from other project members.

Also, a few observations have been added to this project, here: If you can help out with IDs on any that aren’t already at Research Grade, please chime in.

Thanks, everyone!

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 26, 2022 1159 ΜΜ by lynnharper lynnharper


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