North side - 08/26/21

Thursday 9:45 -11:30 am: one newt?
Weather - warm,
Other roadkills: a caterpillar and a dying moth. And a newt - very dry, by the shoulder. Is it a fresh roadkill, or did it die a few months ago? I think we'd need to check photos from the area and compare it to this one.
Coverage: from the parking lot to the second stop sign.
Traffic: 10 truck, 20 cars, 6 bikes, 12 pedestrians, and 19 cars parked by the road and in the parking lots (6 cars at the far lot - a new record! maybe we need another parking lot across the street after all? there were only 27 free spots left).
A link to all my observations of the day -

Posted on Αύγουστος 27, 2021 0515 ΠΜ by merav merav


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