2018-2019 Notes

Beginning of June 2018:
St. John's wort (check it now)
Last of burn piles (check with fire dept)

End of June 2018:
Termite hatch
End of elderflowers
Time to cut down grasses (should be fully brown)

Mid July 2018:
Reign orchids blooming

Late July 2018:
Beginning devastating wildfires statewide
Pennyroyal blooming and fragrant
Fawns still have spots

October 2018:
apples and pears ripe

(NC October 2nd and 3rd week)
Fall foilage hadn't begun (back east a lack
of fall colors throughout)
Monarch butterflies everywhere

Fourth week October 2018:
Leaves changing color on oaks and poplar,
only one rain so far

First week November 2018:
Coccora mushrooms appearing in yard
Ravens en masse, huge group cawing outside
Tom turkey presenting to a group of females

Dec 31 2018:
Mushroom hike: black trumpets starting to
come up, along with yellowfoot chanterelles,
and some hedgehogs. Nothing in great quantity.
No golden chanterelles at all.
Only a few candy caps were seen. Last hike
almost nothing was fruiting after the first
big rain.

End of April 2019
Tom Turkeys presenting
Wild Strawberry flowers

Beginning of May 2019
Madrones still in flower
Grasses along highway 101 turning brown

Mid May 2019
Elderflowers in bloom (even through rain)
First fawns born
Doug fir tips (made into iced tea)

End of May 2019
St.Johns Wort in full bloom on roadsides
Elderflowers beginning to bloom on tree at
The Flats
Madrones leafing out
Deer antlers still fuzzy

Posted on Απρίλιος 19, 2021 0803 ΜΜ by bjoelle bjoelle


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