Big Sit Sunday October 11, 2015

Dear San Mateo County Perpetual Bio-Blitzers!

Sequoia Audubon Society, the main sponsor of this project, will be holding our annual day-long Big Sit at Pescadero State Beach and Marsh on October 11. The birders will be there from 8:00 am till at least 5:00, maybe 6:00 pm. Please join us for any part of the day, and help us catalog the plants, insects, fungi, and anything else. We meet at the top of the hill accessible from the bridge of the east side of State Route 1. The middle parking lot (of the three lots to the west of one), just south of the creek crossing, is free to use, and is the closest to our site. The north lot of the three requires a state parks pass or payment of the day use fee, but provides excellent hiking access to our site by way of the trail around the marsh. We generally detect between 80-100 bird species, and we'd love to augment that with more results from other taxa. It will be an interesting year because of the effects of the drought on water levels throughout the marsh.

This is also a FUN(D)RAISER! You can donate in proportion to the bird species detected (e.g. .10¢ per species = $10 if we see 100 species), or a flat amount. You can donate online here - - and put Big Sit and my name (or the name of whoever convinced you to pledge) in the memo space. The person who solicits the highest dollar amount of pledges gets a prize, as does the largest single donor.

Thank you for your continued participation in the San Mateo County Bio-Blitz project here on iNaturalist. The power of the internet comes to life HERE! See you next Sunday!

Jennifer Rycenga

Posted on Οκτώβριος 03, 2015 0434 ΜΜ by gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon


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