February 24, 2021 - South side

February 24, 2021 (Wednesday), 9:20am - 11:00am
Coverage: Aldercroft to first stop sign

24 dead newts (UPDATED), none juveniles

Other roadkill: 2 blobs with vertebrae (may be newts, maybe someone else feels more confident). Also one millipede observed, but there are a lot right now and if they're not being removed from the road (at least I'm not) I don't want to double-count.

Weather: 60sF, clear, hasn't rained significantly in a while

Traffic: 15 moving cars, 3 parked cars, 4 bikes, 2 pedestrians

Heard and very slightly seen: one Golden Eagle :-)

It was a quiet day on the south side, I haven't been there in a while. Not many newts, and those found were very dry, mostly very adhered. Also a few that were "floaters" (I think Karan called them), which I did log. I saw a couple last week too, so unless we're all being really careless about where we fling the dead ones (which is unlikely), I'm guessing that they went through the same drying (possibly freezing?) process as the rest, but weren't stuck to the road at the time. Maybe those stuck ended up relentlessly adhering, and those not stuck ended up floating?

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 25, 2021 0336 ΜΜ by newtpatrol newtpatrol


So cool that you saw a Golden Eagle!

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