Top Identifiers of January 2021 observations

As winter warms up, we look nervously ahead to the possible doubling of fly observations again in 2021 ..... top identifiers of our January-uploaded observations:

By state/province:
Alberta @treegrow British Columbia @ceiseman Manitoba @friesen5000 New Brunswick @ceiseman Newfoundland and Labrador @kwolgemuth Northwest Territories @ Nova Scotia @johnklymko Nunavut @treegrow Ontario @joebartok Prince Edward Island @ceiseman Quebec @chrisangell Saskatchewan @melodi_96 Yukon @ospr3y
Alabama @spencerpote Alaska @gwark Arizona @trinaroberts Arkansas @streamsurfer California @trinaroberts Colorado @trinaroberts Connecticut @megachile Delaware @chrisangell Florida @trinaroberts Georgia @trinaroberts Hawaii @phycus Idaho @andrius Illinois @chrisangell Indiana @chrisangell Iowa @thebals Kansas @bug_eric Kentucky @thebals Louisiana @trinaroberts Maine @trinaroberts Maryland @trinaroberts Massachusetts @chrisangell Michigan @chrisangell Minnesota @guidingguida Mississippi @zdanko Missouri @lfelliott Montana @kschnei Nebraska @myelaphus Nevada @trinaroberts New Hampshire @andrius New Jersey @chrisangell New Mexico @tularosatabulator New York @ceiseman North Carolina @myelaphus North Dakota @melodi_96 Ohio @trinaroberts Oklahoma @alex_cicindela_guy Oregon @giantcicada Pennsylvania @chrisangell Rhode Island @b_coulter South Carolina @trinaroberts South Dakota @b_coulter Tennessee @spencerpote Texas @trinaroberts Utah @colinpurrington Vermont @chrisangell Virginia @trinaroberts Washington @trinaroberts Washington, D.C. @edanko West Virginia @randybodkins Wisconsin @zdanko Wyoming @trinaroberts

Taxa included in :
Mydidae @phycus Syrphidae @trinaroberts (larvae/pupae @thebals Toxomerini @trinaroberts Syrphini @trinaroberts Bacchini @trinaroberts Paragini @trinaroberts Pipizini @ Merodontini @phycus Milesiini @trinaroberts Eristalini @trinaroberts Volucellini @trinaroberts Rhingiini @phycus Brachyopini @andy492 Microdontinae @phycus ) Pyrgotidae @spencerpote Calliphoridae @edanko Polleniidae @edanko

© Dan Fitzgerald (Fitz), some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC)

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 01, 2021 0424 ΜΜ by edanko edanko


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