City Nature Challenge 2021: Garden Route project

The project for the City Nature Challenge 2021 Garden Route has been created.

The Challenge runs from 30 April to 03 May 2021, with a further upload and ID period until midnight 09 May 2021.
Please join and follow the project here to receive updates and information:

It is suggested that if you use Facebook to join the GRCNC page. It was noted last year that during the heat of the event, posts on iNaturalist did not always go through. All posts will also be uploaded to the Facebook page.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you and your observations there.

Posted on Ιανουάριος 27, 2021 0700 ΜΜ by shauns shauns


Thank you Shaun for running with CNC2021 for the Garden Route. Good luck!

It would be awesome if all last year's participants - plus gezillions of other enthusiastic nature lovers - can join this 2021 project!

Also get involved - do not hesitate to contact the Core Committee to offer assistance or tell us what you are planning to do.

Training in how to use iNaturalist on PC's or the phone App, bioblitzes, fieldtrips are on offer. Champions to run with CNC 21 are needed in all seven Garden Route Municipalities.

The main Core Committee members are volunteers and a collaboration of different organisations, private sector and NGO's.

Αναρτήθηκε από sandraf πάνω από 3 χρόνια πριν

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