Day 16

Well we didn't make 2000 like I had hoped, but still a good effort was made. The project is at 1,770 observation and 172 species. Yesterday we made 182 observations covering 61 species.

Top ten observers

Top ten species
Golden-crowned Sparrow (14)
American Kestrel (9)
Canada Goose (9)
Double-crested Cormorant (8)
Northern Pintail (8)
Eurasian Collared-Dove (7)
Northern Flicker (6)
Mallard (5)
Bufflehead (5)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (5)

Lets keep up the strong upward momentum everyone

Posted on Ιανουάριος 17, 2021 0456 ΜΜ by chrisleearm chrisleearm


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