November 27, 2020 - north side

13 dead newts (of which 1 was a juvenile), 0 live newts.
November 27th, 2020 (Friday)
Weather: Clear day in the mid 60s. No rain for many days.
Other roadkill: none.
Coverage: County Park parking lot to second stop sign.
Rainfall: MTD 0.83in, YTD 0.93in (per
Traffic: 56 cars, 36 parked cars not counting the big county lot, 8 motorcycles, 22 bicycles, 14 walkers.

All parking lots appeared open. The Midpen study areas had no newts or other critters in their sections of road. All of the newts were quite dry.

Newt map:

Posted on Δεκέμβριος 06, 2020 0415 ΠΜ by sea-kangaroo sea-kangaroo


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