Top Identifiers of October 2020 observations

Last month, I tallied the top observers of September observations from the US and Canada in this journal post.

For October, different people were active and there was a different mix of observations as weather grew cooler. Thank you all for your contributions! I'm looking forward to hearing thoughts.

By state/province:
Alberta @kschnei British Columbia @edanko Manitoba @friesen5000 New Brunswick @johnklymko Newfoundland and Labrador @johnklymko Northwest Territories @ Nova Scotia @johnklymko Nunavut @ Ontario @johnklymko Prince Edward Island @burkhard_plache Quebec @johnklymko Saskatchewan @johnklymko Yukon @ellyne

Alabama @trinaroberts Alaska @edanko Arizona @myelaphus Arkansas @trinaroberts California @trinaroberts Colorado @spencerpote Connecticut @megachile Delaware @edanko Florida @myelaphus Georgia @trinaroberts Hawaii @ospr3y Idaho @edanko Illinois @ddennism Indiana @trinaroberts Iowa @ddennism Kansas @myelaphus Kentucky @trinaroberts Louisiana @ospr3y Maine @edanko Maryland @aispinsects Massachusetts @megachile Michigan @calconey Minnesota @guidingguida Mississippi @treegrow Missouri @lfelliott Montana @myelaphus Nebraska @ospr3y Nevada @myelaphus New Hampshire @edanko New Jersey @imacuriousjuan New Mexico @myelaphus New York @sadawolk North Carolina @trinaroberts North Dakota @trinaroberts Ohio @myelaphus Oklahoma @myelaphus Oregon @giantcicada Pennsylvania @spencerpote Rhode Island @edanko South Carolina @wonwoong South Dakota @trinaroberts Tennessee @aispinsects Texas @myelaphus Utah @aroe Vermont @edanko Virginia @edanko Washington @trinaroberts Washington, D.C. @ospr3y West Virginia @treegrow Wisconsin @trinaroberts Wyoming @edanko

Taxa included in :
Syrphidae @trinaroberts (Toxomerini @spencerchau Syrphini @trinaroberts Bacchini @edanko Paragini @trinaroberts Pipizini @edanko Merodontini @edanko Milesiini @trinaroberts Eristalini @acclivity Volucellini @trinaroberts Rhingiini @edanko Brachyopini @edanko Microdontinae @edanko ) Pyrgotidae @ Calliphoridae @edanko Polleniidae @edanko

Posted on Νοέμβριος 02, 2020 0826 ΜΜ by edanko edanko


My thoughts are, "Many thanks!" I'd be hopelessly lost on most of the insects without the kind help of all Identifiers. I know it takes lots of expertise and time, so I really appreciate the effort.

Αναρτήθηκε από jcochran706 πάνω από 3 χρόνια πριν

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