Why I don't run with my AirPods in.

Hey all,
I'm a runner and a birder. Running can be a really good way to see birds sometimes. I've gotten to find window collisions that are interesting, I've seen many yearbirds and one time I counted 22 species while on a 2 mile run in my school's neighborhood. Although my playlist for working out doesn't get much attention, I don't really care because if I run with my earbuds in, I will likely miss birds. Today was a perfect example. I was running around my neighborhood for a PE assignment, and I made sure to go in the later morning because I know that that's when Geese typically tend to migrate. Sure enough, as I'm crossing the alley by my house I hear some geese migrating over and there was a flock of about 25 flying SSW. One looked slightly smaller and paler so I turned around, and got to a clearing where I could see them better and sure enough, there were 2 Snow Geese flying with a flock of Canada Geese! Year Bird 268 for Cook County, which means that I've beaten my previous record for Cook County by 20 birds! 20!!! Anyways, if you're a birder and a runner, maybe try running without music sometime, you might be pleasantly surprised.

All for now,

Posted on Οκτώβριος 16, 2020 0331 ΜΜ by brdnrdr brdnrdr


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