Summary after day 4 of the City Nature Challenge

Been busy with identifications and such. Almost forgot to do the summary. Well, today marked the last day for observations, but fear not all you iNatters. You still have up and till 03 May 2020 to upload and get your stuff identified. Of course, the earlier the better to make sure identifications are done in time.

Not going to do highlight observations now but will randomly do them during the coming week.

Two things that need to be mentioned.
Firstly, if you have taken multiple photos of one thing, please add them together in one observation. You may have an observation uploaded already where it is multiple entries but unsure what to do. Contact us and we will advise you.
Second, make sure your observation and upload dates are correct. The Challenge Project only draws in the data which was recorded over these past 4 days. So, if your observation is undated it will not be recorded. Also check that your location is correct.

Please, read through the journal post about obscuring posts.

Over 13365 observations in 96 hours from 287 observers. Making it over 46 observations per observer. This is amazing and only proves everyone’s commitment and dedication. The leading City can only brag with 30 observations average per person.

Over 47889 observations and 2963 species in Southern Africa in 96 hours, and more than 629000 observations and 27181 species worldwide.

Remember, these numbers will still change over the next 4 days as people upload their remainder observations.

Number of observations for:
Birds: 1158
Amphibians: 35
Reptiles: 88
Mammals: 72
Molluscs, Arachnids & Insects: 1425
Plants: 8381

Currently the Garden Route is placed 2nd in Southern Africa, and 10th Internationally.

Well, well done everyone. Give yourself a pat on the back. Remember social distancing so another can not do it for you.

Stop the bus. You not finished yet. Now to go through everything and check. From an amateur to expert, please assist with checking, not only your observations but also other people’s observations.
Go to this journal entry for quick links to different fields of interest.

Posted on Απρίλιος 27, 2020 1031 ΜΜ by shauns shauns


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