Habitat project in iNaturalist for Southern Africa

Why is there a Habitat project?
This is a project started by SANBI to indicate where something was sighted. It is so that they can collect and collate data according to habitats for research purposes. Without your valuable input they will not be able to do the important work they do to protect our biodiversity.
All users withing Southern Africa are encouraged to use this project. Please do!

They list a range of habitats to select from.

• Natural Terrestrial Systems:
Afrotemperate Forest, Albany Thicket, Caves, Desert, Eastern Coast Belt Forest, Fynbos, Grassveld, Nama Karoo, Renosterveld, Savanna: Arid, Savanna: Brachystegia, Savanna: Koakoveld, Savanna: Moist, Strandveld, Subantarctic Tundra, Succulent Karoo

• Natural Terrestrial Wetland Systems:
Aquatic, Estuaries, Littoral, Wetland

• Natural Marine Systems:
Coral Reef, Deep Reef, Littoral, Marine Benthic, Marine Canyon, Marine Pelagic

• Human transformed Systems:
Cropland, Dwellings, Gardens, Plantation, Urban Parkland, Wasteland, Zoos & Aquaria less

This is a Traditional project.
So, you need to join the project to be able to use it.

When you upload an observation, firstly go to “Fields” and select “Habitats (s Afr)”. There you will see the above listed habitats.
When this is done, under “Projects” select “Habitats (s Afr)” and your observations will be added to the project.
Note you must first do the Field before the project. If you select the Project without the field the system will reject it and your observation will not be added.

Posted on Απρίλιος 26, 2020 0324 ΜΜ by shauns shauns


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