Media Release


Media Release for Mossel Bay Community
18 March 2020
The Garden Route City Nature Challenge 2020 (CNC) is alive and well and going ahead as planned. That is recording observations from Friday 24 April to Monday 27 April, with time to upload photographs, videos and sound clips until Monday the 3rd of May. Observations can be uploaded onto iNaturalist. org by using the free smart phone App or the website on a computer.

All iNaturalist training sessions have been suspended for now, but there are self-train options and local iNat users and trainers are on hand to assist anyone who needs guidance. All you have to do is: ask! Enquire:

Using iNaturalist and even the City Nature Challenge is the ideal way to pass self-isolation time. You can be in your garden or in the veld, a walk on the beach – record what you see and interact online with other iNaturalist users in South Africa and across the world. We are all in the same boat at the moment, no matter where we are.

Look for chameleons, insect and frogs in the garden. In the evenings there are geckos and moths at outside lights. What about all out beautiful birds. Every three, shrub, lagoon, beach, estuary and lamppost and building ledge seem to have gorgeous birds just begging to be photographed! The intertidal zone is teeming with creatures and even underwater creatures can be recorded! Remember, iNaturalist can be used now already – no need to wait until the CNC.

This morning, after downloading the app and uploading pics of the chameleons in their garden to iNat, a Mossel Bay resident said: “Oh wow. This is sooo exciting, especially in this time of doom and gloom”. This was after a to-and-fro-session between the two of us on Messenger.
This is a positive opportunity to upskill, stimulate the mind, to contribute to local knowledge and global science. You snooze, you lose. Be part of the fun!

Follow Garden Route City Nature Challenge on Facebook or go to:

City Nature Challenge is a joint initiative of California Academy of Sciences
iNaturalist is supported by California Academy of Sciences and National Geographic

Sandra Falanga
Core Committee: Garden Route CNC & Mossel Bay Champion

Posted on Μάρτιος 18, 2020 0436 ΜΜ by shauns shauns


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